Andy Lau does not deny wife Carol Zhu is pregnant

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Harrison, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Harrison

    Harrison Well-Known Member


    The fresh out of the oven Golden Horse awards Film King, Andy Lau's wife Carol Zhu was recently rumored to have successfully become pregnant through artificial insemination. If this is true, it is double happiness for Andy Lau. When asked if he's going to be a father soon? Andy responded with the same style: "Not convenient for me to talk about my family issues here." He did not admit or deny to the rumor. God-mother Deanie Ip became anxious for Andy and said: "Don't ask!"

    It has been 7 years since Andy last won the Golden Horse Best Actor (for Infernal Affairs III), the other night he is crowned Film King once again for his role in A Simple Life. He was very surprised and said: "Initially I was supporting Wang Qianyuan from The Piano in a Factory for the award, and never thought I would become Film King. I really can't imagine." He expressed the award wasn't his goal, but instead he cared more about the box office of A Simple Life. Now that the film has won 3 Golden Horse awards, it is a perfect ending and also increases his confidence in the Hong Kong box office.

    First Deanie Ip won the Film Queen award in Venice and now she's the Golden Horse Film Queen. Yesterday at 7:30pm, she returned to HK: "I'm back to normal now, I was most emotional when I found out Andy became Film King, I just couldn't help but to shout loudly." Deanie's most memorable moment was when Andy knelt to present the award to her: "A Heavenly Pop King was kneeling before me to give me an award, it is my honor, not many people get this special honor, very touching."

    When asked what she feels differently about the Venice verse the Golden Horse award? She said: "The Venice award felt like a report card, get high scores and give out grades. The award ceremony didn't have performances. The Golden Horse is like the Hollywood awards ceremony. I was dressed in an evening dress and it difficult to go use the restroom. At 4pm, I stopped drinking water."

    Source: Mingpao