Canadians Utorrent Users

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by RobCole, May 8, 2012.

  1. RobCole

    RobCole Active Member

    Currently having fun downloading the following series which is Young Warriors of the Yang Clan (Chinese Text translation below):


    Although Popularasians have this on site it is in Mandarin only and I would prefer it in CANTONESE language. Been downloading for 3 days now and up to 10.3% only.

    There are around 7 leechers at the moment and two irritating Canadian users using utorrent. Why do I NOT like them, well it is because they always seem to download at least 3 quarters more from me than I get back from them.

    For example in 2 hours: has given me about 5.63mb and I have given 76.63mb in return. has given me 50mb and I have uploaded it 97mb.

    This has led me to believe that either they have a hacked copy of utorrent which downloads more than uploading to other users or they have capped the download speeds. But if this was the case they shouldn't be able to download more than they give out?

    Feel really angry and feel like pressing the banning button on them!

    Remember this has been going on for 3 days now to be of coincidence.

    The other users from China, UK, Taiwan and especially Netherlands have been more generous!

    Please feel free in joining me by copying and pasting the chinese text in to the google search engine

    and downloading the torrent.

    Could do with a bit of help to increase the speed provided you are NOT Canadian and using uTorrent!

    Sorry forgot to mention I'm using using KTorrent with Opensuse 12.1 operating system. Any advice on either pressing the KICK button once in a while to annoy them would be great!

    I am only on 10.3% at the moment.

    1 has 78.7% the other has around 45% of the file

    Yeh I like opensuse and other linux programs as they are NOT prone to viruses. Best of all it is free.

    They must be using a hacked copy as they are downloading more than they are uploading. When I first started downloading this torrent I set my upload limit to 30kibs and I was only downloading near this speed. Now that I have set the upload limit to 100kibs, I'm now downloading at 200kibs. I thought Torrent sharing was supposed to be fair.

    Just back from a 7 day holiday in Toronto and could NOT find this series anywhere in Chinatown.

    Also why are they selling pirate copies of series in every shop that I've been too, aren't they scared of being caught by the police.

    I normally don't torrent as it is risky but as this series has got good reviews and I saw the trailer on Youtube I thought I would take a chance.

    Just gave the following Canadian leecher a kick:

    Felt so good! I hate it when people don't play fair!
    #1 RobCole, May 8, 2012
    Last edited: May 8, 2012
  2. well, it could be that they don't have the parts of the file you need...
  3. Lol it's not a hacked copy.

    You can set the download/upload threshold in uTorrent's settings. Utorrent users can set the dl/ul ratio to like 200:1 if they want. If you don't like them then kick them lol. This is the nature of torrenting. People like to seed, people like to leech. Simple as that.

    Also, I find it interesting that you're using OpenSuse.
  4. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Thats why some websites have a download/upload ratio they have to maintain. Too bad the file aint PA's so yea lol.

    Also there is an edit button, would be great to save space if you're just doing an update every 10 minute lol.
  5. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member

    man, i thought this was about utorrent being banned in canada.....holy craps
  6. ^ Scared me too, but uTorrent is an application, so there was no way to ban an application.
  7. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    I realize you're merely frustrated but this was quite hilarious for me to read.

    First off, Distributel and Teksavvy are resellers of internet predominantly in Ontario. Those user, if they are Cable, have a maximum upload speed of 1 Mbps or roughly 125 kB/s. With over subscription and node congestion they are lucky to get half those speeds. Even the packages that resell fiber fail to deliver the full speed advertised.

    Secondly, Canada as a whole has relatively slow internet on average, when compared to parts of the world like the Netherlands and the UK. Their speeds are higher and throttling is either less severe or non existent all together.

    Third, I'm quite amused that you didn't check your own settings for KTorrent to make sure they were optimized but rather instantly jumped to the idea that other users were maliciously use hacked software to cheat you out of something as simple as a drama/movie.

    Lastly, with such a small swarm, slow speeds are inevitable unless someone is using a seedbox. Everyone is very slowly downloading their files and in your frustration you're kicking users like a self-righteous shit, without even trying to comprehend what is going on. It's quite funny, because you being connected to one less user will most likely increase your download time as those users have a greater portion of the files then you.

    I've got to say, you're quite entertaining.
  8. OP I am just curious, how did you come to use Suse?
  9. RobCole

    RobCole Active Member

    Do you get frustrated everytime you shutdown and Windows 7 takes over 20 minutes to download and apply updates? What a waste of electricity!

    Updates are applied without shutdowns on Linux Operating Systems.

    Also visiting websites with drive by virus installations?

    Not all virus programs even paid for ones are 100% safe.

    With Linux operating systems such as Opensuse nothing can be installed without your authorisation and .exe files which a majority of virus programs rely on simply won't work.

    A lot of Linux OS systems are free!
  10. Interesting. Someone using Linux distros as a user, not as a developer.

    As for viruses not working on Linux, Linux and Mac OS have less viruses because people don't write viruses for those. They're starting to write them for Mac OS. Though there are more virus attacks on Windows, it's still the most secure. The reason why updates are applied without shutdowns is because of the way the OS was designed.

    Albeit I'm sad that though it people switch to Linux, the increased exposure would bring more malware, like what Apple is going through now.

    Btw, the electricity wasted is barely a few cents at the most in power.

    I use a Linux distro as a main, but I find myself going back to Windows when it comes to casual use/media entertainment.
  11. ^ So hard to believe for some people that windows can be the more secure operating system when used correctly....
  12. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    And most times its a user error with an infection.
  13. Like I have always believed...... computers are just like any other tool in the shed, it can't be dumb/stupid it only works as intelligent was the user.
  14. RobCole

    RobCole Active Member

    For people thinking I'm a retard who can't use Windows. I've used windows from Windows 95 to Windows 7. Windows 7 was the last straw it is slow and bloated and likes to download and apply updates when you shutdown. There have been times when I need to go out and I have to wait for it to update for 20 minutes. I like to turn off my electrical equipment at the mains before going out.

    I cannot believe no one has ever heard of the security issues with Windows software. Windows 98 being the famous swiss cheese of operating systems.

    When I was in Toronto in an internet cafe simply transferring my photos on my phone that I have taken to a usb pen drive it just crashed halfway through Windows restarted again. Heard of the blue screen of death anyone?

    Has Bill Gates mindwiped people into thinking it is the most secure operating system in the world? If it is why so many updates all the time?

    All people need to do is type into google Linux v Windows for impartial information.

    Read this website for example (especially about security):

    Also banks and governments use them as it is more secure than Windows (see below):

    So don't try making me believe that Windows is more secure because I will just laugh my head off!
    #14 RobCole, May 10, 2012
    Last edited: May 10, 2012
  15. Look I didn't have a problem with your choice of operating system, but to say that Windows is problematic whereas Linux is not is absolutely untrue.

    Are you a software developer by any chance? I ask because, as a developer myself, I use Linux distros quite often. And yet I still think Windows OSs are great.

    BSOD happens, I get it. But Linux and Mac OSX have their own BSODs as well, and it's called a Kernel Panic. These "crashes" and "kernel panics" can occur where the operating system is not at fault, a hardware failure for example.

    And to hate on Windows 98 is really ignorant. The reason why there was so many attacks on Windows 98 is because at the time, Win98 was the best operating system and most popular.

    More popular = more attacks. This does NOT mean that it is less secure.

    Unless you have any idea how Unix works, I can tell you that Linux (Mac OSX as well) is MORE vulnerable than Windows.

    Think of it as the following analogy:

    Windows is a stone castle, being attacked every day.
    Linux and OSX are straw houses, that get attacked once a year.

    The more popular an OS gets, the more attacks it receives. Another example is Mac OSX. As soon as people started using OSX, more malware came out.

    TL;DR if you think I'm brainwashed by Bill Gates, you're an idiot. I'm a software developer. I use both Linux and Windows.

    Windows IS more secure, because it gets more attacks than Linux/OSX. If you take all of the attacks Windows experiences and port them to Linux and OSX, they'll be destroyed. Simple as that.

    Again, unless you have any background in IT/development, those are extremely far-fetched ideas. I should be the one to laugh my head off. I didn't have any quarrels with you, but make sure you know what you are talking about.
  16. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Win 95 was the shit back in the day.
  17. RobCole

    RobCole Active Member

    I have provided you with evidence that Linux is more secure than Windows, where is your evidence rather than word of mouth?

    See this link about Windows 7 v Linux below:

    I am NOT a software developer I only use Opensuse for downloading, watching movies, emails and banking.

    Even if Linux does become mainstream a virus can only infect it if you give permission for it to install.

    On Opensuse it gives you a warning certificate if it is an unsigned update. Nothing can install without you entering a password.

    Banks, government and the mighty Google would NOT use Linux if it were less secure than windows.

    How many people log in to use Banking everyday?

    How many people use Google?

    Near the bottom of the web page where the link I have provided you with a user gives the following explanation:

    Yes, Linux is more secure than Windows, by orders of magnitude. The argument that windows is the punching bag for crackers because they are a larger target is not a valid argument. The windows architecture is what makes it vulnerable (this is a hacker speaking) not the number of installed units. Linux is not as vulnerable because its architecture is designed right, the file system and permissions make it much stronger, and the linux philosophy regarding what may be executed (and when) is much more robust (again , by orders of magnitude). \nWindows is vulnerable primarily because they integrated the desktop and made networking an application, protected by third parties who have access to the kernel. This is just back-as-wards. Linux integrates the networking (does not give access of kernel to third parties) and makes the desktop an app. On Linux the firewall IS the kernel... and it has the designed ability for user lock-down. The desktop can completely crash on Linux... and the system stays up... just pull up a black terminal (ctl-alt-F1) login, restart the desktop and back up in seconds. (lathough, that seldom happens!)
    #17 RobCole, May 10, 2012
    Last edited: May 10, 2012
  18. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Keep in mind. Enterprises, governments and major players use Linux (and variations) on the server side. Windows is still used for the end user. Its a hybrid environment of windows and linux flavs.
  19. I've read your article, and your position does not support what the article you've read says. The article states that it does not matter whether Linux or Windows is superior. It's the user. You clearly stated that Linux is superior to Windows in terms of security.

    My position is not that one is superior to the other, I am saying that Windows is more exposed to more attacks.

    And my profession is in systems/software development. I don't understand why you're being all gung ho about a topic that (at best) you've gained the knowledge from online articles, vs one who've studied the matter.

    I didn't have a problem with you at all, now I do: you, with zero background experience in IT, tell the rest of us (who have background in IT), that we're wrong and you're right. You randomly read a few articles and you think you're now an expert. That's my problem.
  20. RobCole

    RobCole Active Member
