Canadians Utorrent Users

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by RobCole, May 8, 2012.

  1. This is great, and I fully respect that. I am even impressed that you've tried other Linux flavors as well. Do continue.

    I hope you understand my previous position. Many Mac osx users had the same mindset in the belief that Mac osx is more secure than windows. This was proven false with the large amount of malware released for osx. Though I am glad you are using a Linux distro, the same can easily happen to Linux as it did for Mac osx. I can easily write a basic malware for opensuse that would be stopped by windows. Security in the form of minimal threat exposure is not security. As soon as virus writers see a need for malware for Linux, they'll start writing them.

    Anyway, a neat fact: at the time of the space shuttle's retirement, I do recall reading somewhere that it was still using windows 98 due to its stability. Interesting.

    Edit: knoc did point out a valid statement. Windows is a user end os. Unix is a server side os. Each operating system has its use and purpose.
  2. I have not installed any anti-virus/monitoring software on my computer for about 8 years now. Hell, if it wasn't for my aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and random people who ask me to "fix" their computer due to their ignorance of installing everything under the sun I wouldn't even have the need to pirate anti-virus software.

    Onto the whole Windows is more exposed to attacks... OF FUCKING COURSE IT IS. Why do you think viruses are written? Just to give you a hard time? No, the main reason is to expose your information so it can be stolen. If 90% of the world at one point, including all major businesses, are using the same operating system which OS do you suppose would be targeted for monetary gain?

    Ultimately what we are trying to convey to you, is that it doesn't matter what operating system you use, it can be compromised. Just enjoy the grace period of the minimal amount of malware for Linux due to the fact that there isn't a large enough market for monetary gain.

    Seriously? So you must know it all.... please tell me why you were only introduced to Linux two years ago and was skeptical about it to begin with? Do go on. This also coming from someone who instantaneously believed people in Canada are using a hacked utorrent client... amazing.
  3. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    above is from Dan.
    RC mixed up.
  4. Um yea, that one was from me lol

    He messed up the quoting.
  5. RobCole

    RobCole Active Member

    First of all lets NOT get stressed over all of this. I just didn't like people implying that I was a f*cking idiot.

    I am trying my best NOT to insult you guys/gals.

    The following line (in bold) was quoted by Dan NOT myself:

    And my profession is in systems/software development. I don't understand why you're being all gung ho about a topic that (at best) you've gained the knowledge from online articles, vs one who've studied the matter.

    I did explain that I am NOT a software developer, that I do NOT understand the techno speak of why Linux is more secure than windows. All I can say when asked is that it has a different architecture and the firewall is built into the kernal making it safer, also for anything to install on Linux it will require your password.

    I'm always skeptical about something that is free! Wouldn't you? I used to believe that paid for software is better than free software. Also I just couldn't get get my head around how/why it doesn't require anti-virus.

    However I was told that if it is a hobby that you enjoy you would do it better. Something which I believe the developers of the various types of Linux are into. For instance the original author of Puppy Linux decided to go off and do something else and leave it for someone else around version 4.12 seamonkey. Many users complained and I think the original author got a bit disheartened with how it was going and decided to come back and make it better again. The employees of Microsoft obviously are in it for the money only and NOT the love of the software, otherwise why was Windows Vista so sh*t! Magazines were saying Windows 7 is what Vista should have been.

    Before the days of Megaupload I was using Bittorrent.

    Before I use a piece of software I always research into how it works and how to optimise it. So I read into port forwarding etc.

    It is possible to hack torrent software to make it download more than upload, just type into Google hack utorrent and you have four Youtube videos showing you how to do it.

    This is against the spirit of torrent software. I believe in fairness! For 3 days running I only download about 5mb whereas he/she was downloading in exess of 80mb(This is daily over 3 days to be a coincidence). The users from Malaysia, US, China, Netherlands are all playing fair. That is why I prefer to ban that user and save my bandwidth for more deserving torrent users.

    Please research into things properly and NOT accuse me of making things up.

    I would like my next reply from whoever to be constructive i.e with evidence to back up claims, rather than abuse or telling me off. This should NOT be personal.

    Sorry! did NOT read the mixup with Dan.
    #25 RobCole, May 11, 2012
    Last edited: May 11, 2012
  6. I can't speak for others, but I believed my posts were geared to clarify misconceptions about certain aspects, such as your torrent issue and the operating system issue.

    If I came off as condescending, it probably occurred during the OS talk, not the torrent talk. And I'll try to limit it. The reason for the increased aggression is because the OS security issue you suggested is a common misconception. Your source of information are online articles. Our source of information is our profession. I am not sure how you want us to cite sources when it comes to our profession. Maybe I should cite my professors and university.

    Nor are we(I).

    As you said, you aren't in the profession, so would you have the understanding of open vs closed source products? Open source is free software and public for development. Linux is open source. Open source does not mean it's worst than closed source (paid software). In fact there are MANY software that are open source AND better than closed source. So having said that, no I'm not sceptical about something that's free, because I understand why a software is good or bad, regardless of whether it is free or not.

    Though I don't doubt that corporations are in it for money, the bolded statement is unfortunately misguided.

    Tell me, if Microsoft was in it for the money, why would they have developed Vista in the first place? Do you know how much money was invested in the development of Vista? Do you know how much money was lost when Vista did not meet sales expectations and customer satisfaction? The amount of resources invested in Vista was wasted. This goes beyond knowledge of IT. We are talking about business here, and to say a company is not in the love of software and risk flushing money down the drain like Vista is misguided in terms of both IT and Business management.

    They lost money. If they knew they would lose money, they wouldn't have released it. Vista was a mistake in design. Mistakes happen in all companies.

    Good. More people should adopt this mindset.

    I don't doubt that software are hackable. My question is this: aside from the evidence of their bandwidth usage, what other evidence do you have that supports your claim of hacking?

    Your one and only evidence itself is unfounded. Unless you yourself have monitored the bandwidth that is used by that ONE application, you cannot make that claim. Their bandwidth usage can be influenced by other factors that you are not aware of, say other applications. I don't doubt the fact that torrents can be hacked. I doubt the validity of your evidence.

    Lol I'm not going to even answer this. This is like telling a scientist that he needs to learn how to research properly. Actually, it IS lol.

    I was under the impression that it wasn't personal. You had misconceptions, I tried to clear them.

    Now to get back on track.

    Aside from that one evidence, what other evidence do you have to support your claim of their hacking?
  7. RobCole

    RobCole Active Member

    Ever heard of Cheat Engine 6.1?

    I do monitor, in the peer download tab the download speed only goes up to max of 2.14kibs whereas mine uploads at around 87kibs.
    #27 RobCole, May 11, 2012
    Last edited: May 11, 2012
  8. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    You really don't read posts do you...?

    Anyways, I have no experience in the IT area, but I'm sure Cheat Engine 6.1 has nothing to with hacking uTorrent. I would like to believe no one was implying that you are stupid, but after your last few one is implying anymore.
  9. RobCole

    RobCole Active Member

    type into google: utorrent cheat engine 6.1

    here is the video link: [video=youtube;jlV6H3Smzdk][/video]

    Also what do you mean by NOT reading the posts. I haven't got time to reply to every single question. So I'm only answering the more important ones.

    Also who is NOT reading the posts I have asked on numerous occassions to provide me with evidence NOT simply proclaiming I'm a professor at a University etc.

    I could turn round and say the same thing. What I would like is either what to type into Google to direct me to a few articles to back up a claim.
    #29 RobCole, May 11, 2012
    Last edited: May 11, 2012
  10. You know what I'm done. This thread is getting no where.

    Anyway I think it has reached the end of its life. Let's all move on.
  11. Apologies.... took the quote from RobColes post where he messed up the quotes. My Bad.

    Under lying point about OS still stands regardless.

    Ignorance... everyone has it in some shape or form. Like I haven't got the slightest idea about how to properly skin a raccoon therefore making me ignorant to that particular skill. Nothing to be ashamed of or worked up over.

    Keep in mind RobCole, we were not the ones to start the OS bashing.
    #31 Akki, May 13, 2012
    Last edited: May 13, 2012