^Can't... Victim of the error 3006. People cant play for more than 24hrs.... I guess i have to wait till blizzard does something =_= which is like never To everyone who plays... never join a public game. Instead just make ur own game and open it to public
Normal is easy. After that u just keep dying lol! I wanna continue my hell mode :( EDIT: Yes i can log on again :3
Imma add you guys, so i have you on friends list when i play the full version. mine is Hartia osmething.....i forgot the numbers EDIT: heres my battletag (dam i hate that word) Hartia#1769
i'm gonna leave my first char at inferno act 1 and then i'm gonna start playing another one and beat it all the way to inferno act 1...that's my goal..
yep yep////but it made me download another 3 gb for the install... DUDE my d3 directory is 30 gb.....WTF