I have an online friend... we keep in touch for about 4, 5 yrs but we have met yet... we text to each other recently... I feel happy when text with him and sometimes curious about him... is that love ??? how can I tell???-shrug
Sounds like you havent been in love. that's not what love is. for you right now, its more like emotionally attraction sort of thing. Love is way more complicated. Plus you guys haven't met? He said he loves you? I aint gonna trust that at all. Love develops over time, through happy times and sad times. You guys grow together. Whether it's gonna be sad or not, you still wanna be with that person. That's love. You accept who he/she is completely. That's love. Love can be happy, also hurts shit. So be aware it took me a month to get over it 80%
talking online with each other does not mean love. it just means you have common interests. i talk with my friends on a daily basis. the thing is if you do like someone you should arrange to meet. you cannot fall in love through online messages or text. sometimes when you meet with someone they can be quite different to who you thought they were on the internet.
If you feel like you are being more romantic than ever and if you think about him/her and care about them you may possibly be in love.
The older you get (with experience) the more you trust or mis-trust people emotionally (such as casual encounters) or be prepared to take risks unless there is hard evidence to suggest otherwise, such as proof of identity, evidence of working for a job and its location, other friends whom you trust recommend a third person.....
When the person is always with you. Even if he/she may not be "physically" with you but you sense his/her presence as if you're never alone. You have this lovely happy feeling in your soul, your heart skipping with joy and when you talk to him..it's like there isn't enough time..you want to stay in that moment forever...that's LOVE!