Girlfriend Going to See Another Guy in Another Country for 2 Weeks

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Nirvania, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. i told ya she's going to choose him even if you tried to talk her out of it...

    sorry to tell you man she's not staying at no hostel.. shes staying at his place and shes going to be bangin him... she's got that deep gamer relationship with another guy and probably talk to him online/skype more then she does to you.. don't you think its obvious shes into him for her to ignore you and your friend and fly over to see him even when shes broke? illness or not she's going to be different when she gets back and you are going to see it right away and thats your sign to dump her if you havn't already done so when she left.
  2. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    yeah like everyone already said...THAT'S BULL FUCKING SHIT.

    For 2 whole weeks? for a stranger technically? holy mom she definitely cares a lot for this guy and not reallly concerning your feelings >_> Ask her, would she be ok if youre off to see another girl for 2 weeks. Seriously...
  3. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    best of luck nirvania. this whole ordeal looks awfully sketch, and i'm not sure it'll have a happy ending, but everything happens for a reason (i hate this line). keep us posted!
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    YOU MOFO!!! lol

    anyways now that i am home and on computer I can make a serious reply

    To answer your question about hostels in Toronto, it is way safer than the states but depending on location where majority are near downtown area. They are pretty safe and you get to meet people from around the world and she is probably staying in a girls dorm.

    Now back on topic, don't listen to what people say about her cheating on you and doing stuff with that guy because if she were to do it then she will do it and there is nothing you can do about it. If that is the case then you should just break up with her, the more thing you negative about this situation will effect yourself. If you really love her then you should have just bought a ticket to go to protect her even if you have school or work. Trust is the main issue here and that is all you can do to make the situation not go sour.

    Think of it this way as well, if this is what she really wants to do then let her do it. If I am strong on doing something then there is no one that can change my mind. She even bought the ticket and getting a refund is difficult with airlines nowadays and I am pretty sure she is not going to let that $600+ down the drain. You should support her decision as it probably wasn't an easy one for her to make as well. What if your gf didn't go and comfort the guy and next thing you know he's doing some crazy things, she will regret that forever and blame herself. There are a lot of factors that come in this situation and your feeling and thoughts depends on you. So either trust her and support her or just forget about her. IF YOU ARE REALLY INSECURE then pm me and maybe ill help you out when she's here but I won't stalk unless you pay me a lot.
  5. crazy_man206

    crazy_man206 Well-Known Member

    what a nice story she told you. a guy on his death bed. when is he supposed to die? the guy will have a miraculous recovery after your gf's trip.

    btw, ill spy on her for half what ktdot would charge.
  6. sorry kdotc but i totally disagree with you... for her to do that and ignore and him go behind is back like is an ultimate betrayal... if she can't respect you but respect some guy from the internet more then what the fuck?!!! Think how ludacris if any of your girlfriends or wives were to do that to you? most of us would be like fuck no! this is something you shouldn't have to put up with or tolerate its a diss to you and to your relationship. She's going to see another guy from another country.. shes going just for him! can you not grasp how fucked up that is? can you not see the warning signals and red flags?
  7. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    That's why i said either trust and support her or forget her
  8. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Sorry OP, you're not going to like this one bit. While you may think that this has been all about her pity, her stupidity and her total lack of reason; it isn't. It's about your's, that is, your lack of realization. Frankly, what's glaringly obvious to me is that she has been in a five year relationship with "Toronto" and maybe you don't know it or don't want to know it. Perhaps you can't see the forest for the trees, but you realize that they may have already been electronically fucking each other via web cams for years? The simple fact is, that she's willing to use her very limited resources to travel a great distance to be with another man.

    HELLO??? (Do you smell the coffee brewing in the background?)

    Wake up buddy, but she's in love with him and you've already lost. Rather, you never had a chance in the first place. Trying to stop her from going is like trying to pull a dog in heat off of another dog; the dog will just turn and bite the shit out of you. IMHO, the reality is, she has been his GF for the last five years, and you were just the unknowing loser standing in for him until she could finally be with him. In other words, he's not the third party, you are. Don't be surprised once she gets there if you get a letter from her stating she's very sorry she had used you, but she finally got to marry the guy of her dreams and they're starting a new life together in Toronto. IMHO, it's time for you to let go and move on...

    Damn, this shit is so simple it could have come off of a TVB script, LOL...

    ADDENDUM: NVM, in reading through the thread more carefully, I see that Hadouken already gave you very much the same answer.
    #28 ralphrepo, Jun 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  9. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Fuuu just Typed a whole paragraph n i hit the wrong button... Anyway to keep it short: she knows what he looks like n the fact shes going means hes at least decent looking... I am pretty sure he's after that sexual healinggg! Shes inconsiderate... Dont really c how u can do duch thing when ur in a relationship!
  10. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    What does the other guy look like ? If he's good looking then you're screwed.

    If he looks like he's on the verge of death then he is either genuinely dying or a mass murderer.
  11. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    still with her?
  12. (Y)
  13. Damn Ralph's words are as harsh as a sand paper on the ball sack.

    My only question is this. Assuming the guy has terminal illness, and I am sad by his misfortune, what future does she see with him? Playing the devil's advocate again, but could there be a possibility that this is all much less than what we've all been blowing it up to be?
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^ even if he really is a dying man, she could still be on his "to do" list... Doesnt matter if she sees a future with him or not... He's gonna get a piece of that.... Before he dies...
  15. Oh I fully recognize his frame of mind. Who wouldn't want a last supper?

    My question has to do with her frame of mind lol
  16. lmao.. this has just took a turn for the worst for Nirvania..

    "you realize that they may have already been electronically fucking each other via web cams for years?"

    "even if he really is a dying man, she could still be on his "to do" list
    I am pretty sure he's after that sexual healinggg!"

    I dunno how old Nirv. is.. but 5+ years later.. I think he should still be relatively young.. anyways.. you're still young.. you can move on from this if it does turn out bad. Just don't give her any money when she comes back dead broke from using up all her savings..

    usually for the kinda money she's paying I'd assume she shouldn't have to travel outta state to get laid..

    watch you guys all doubt her and everything does end up to be innocent n genuinely true.. then yall just broke up a nice young couple and Nirv would lose a genuinely kind heart girl..
  17. ^ if she was so kind hearted.... she would have considered talking to her "boyfriend" about how he feels about the situation instead of being head strong in going....
  18. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I know that sometimes I'm about as delicate as a two by four, but I've always been as honest and as sincere as I can be. The other thing is, about this "terminal" illness thing; I'm not so sure if that's really the case. If one thinks about it, one has to suspect the entire storyline as told by Nirvana. This is not because he's lying, but rather that he's repeating a story told to him by a GF that wants to get away from him. If someone is suicidal, we all call 911; we don't make plane reservations. Further, anyone who is so emotionally fragile that they're about to "lose it" at any moment, but can somehow still manage to hold it all together enough to play counterstrike IMHO, is probably not all that bad off; that is, if the story was even true to begin with. Once we realize all of the above, we can appreciate the possibility that the entire tale may just be an example of the infamous "female deflection of conflict technique" and "holding onto a second choice as a reserve" that woman usually do. In other words, she's thinking "if Toronto doesn't work out then I can always come back to Nirvana, so I'll tell him a story that I'm being very noble and helping a desperate friend."

    Hence, my get feeling is, she intends to leave him to go with Toronto, but only told him all the dramatic bullshit on the outside chance that she may need to come back to him.

    True, but that's a little extreme to have to fly a thousand miles to give someone a pity fuck, even if you do care about them. My suspicions is that this isn't about pity or altruism at all.
  19. I for one would love to hear the girl's and the sick dude's side of the story.

    If she's willing to fly that distance and somehow still has an ounce of care to OP, I'm sure she would have given OP a way to contact her. If she didn't give OP any contact information, then we all know where her priorities lie.
  20. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    ^true that. that's just doing her own things without assuring her bf. Personally I wouldnt do that shit unless its for the person I really love. I mean seriously spending that much money and going somewhere alone...thats a lot of love there.