Girlfriend Going to See Another Guy in Another Country for 2 Weeks

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Nirvania, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. havn't ya'll hear stories like this? lonely stay at home wife meets internet guy and dumps husband and kids only to come back to a broken family? this is a classic internet relationship cheating textbook story. I ain't flyin my butt out to meet a girl unless i knew i was gonna get some of that %100 .. you think she's dumb? don't be fooled it just doesn't make sense and you know people usually go for a weekend but this is 2 damn full weeks its a vacation... she gonna be bonin him in the cn tower elevator going up and down and taking her out to eat and banging him at his place... do you think hes going to show her around for 2 weeks like that? hell i wouldn't know what to do for 2 full weeks with another girl who came just to see me unless i was going to be holding onto her hand and bangin her.
  2. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Damn, Hadouken, don't try to sugarcoat it; just give it to us straight, LOL...

    BTW, for those that haven't been up in the CN Tower, it's a pretty long elevator ride (well, actually only 58 seconds)... nice view too, LOL...


    Damn... That's better than some porn that I've seen... LOL...

    But, if she doesn't go with him to the CN Tower, she can always have a romantic rendezvous with him on the Toronto Subway, like this couple (text article with windowed video, WARNING: NSFW):
    #42 ralphrepo, Jun 11, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2012
  3. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    58 seconds? one minute man much?
  4. oh yea I forgot.. Nirvania used to make up troll threads back in '06 just to mess with people and almost got banned for it.. whoops.. -whistle
  5. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Well, the good part is, that he can do her twice (up then down) on one ride, LOL...

    Figures... -rolleyes But the cosmic justice in this is that six years ago, he was a loser, and now six years later, he's still playing the same game? Perpetual Loser, LOL...
  6. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    What happened to ang... He sounds angry in all his posts lol
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i say worst come to worst have some fun yourself :trollface2:
  8. im not angry, it sounds better and more passionate :laugh:
  9. ang's battle wounds are still fresh.....
  10. Ziling

    Ziling Member

    Thou I do not know you... here is my bit of advice, since you have tried talking her out of it and she wont listen... then the next best thing to do is to talk to her parents (I'm sure after 2 yrs with her you have met them?).
    Regardless whom she choose (like someone above pointed out) it's her safety that comes 1st. We are talking about a stranger that she met online even thou it's been 5 yrs, you still won't know who that person "really" is.

    You love her, if she fell for this guy, there's nothing you can do but to get dump or dump her 1st... but if you really care for her, you will think of her safety 1st before thinking about what's going on between the 2 of them.

    Last but not the least... if her parents have no objection to her going, then I guess you will just have to take the back seat and wait. Best of luck.
  11. Dr Ang takes his shit seriously lol
  12. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    Dr. Ang vs. Dr. Ralph...
  13. the other day i was wondering what ever happen this Nirvania character and bam this came :)

    lol ang sounds mad bitter he on that "every girl will sleep behind your back" ish ....he "sut loon" he will sound like that

    first thing that pop in my head is aint you afraid for her well being? the guy is depressed and a gamer from Toronto lol i love our city but we got some psychos and freaks over here...if he going to die he might drag her with him:ugh: tell her that you don't feel safe for her going alone if she still decides to go forget it! on to the next one!

    again good to see you with this.
    #53 shinobi, Jun 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2012
  14. lol angs ass is always bitchin'.. :facepalm: Bitter ass nig.. let her GO! Practice what you preach!

    and shinobi saying the same shit I said.. :facepalm: but trust him since he's in TO.. bunch of psychos..
  15. it's the internet yo words dont come out as you think it does ya hatin ass beeches! what i learn if you gone give advice even if it be the right and best and you don't sound serious and sincere it gone go out the persons ears. Let's hope we didn't get trolled :whistling:
  16. milky_bb

    milky_bb Well-Known Member

    This is the trouble with emotional attachment with the cyber-age. If your gf is a good person who puts herself whole heartly into the internet-relationship, then she would feel very much so attached to that person, despite not actually having seen him at all! Its the intimacy they shared and feelings/emotions they have for one and another over the long periods they 'talked' online that should not be underestimated. The friendship they have built cannot be valued by their distance apart, money involvement, or sometimes bf. If she wanted to go, I doubt anything can stop her!

    But if you really love your gf, you would accompany her to see him and not worry about your troubles, related costs etc. By offering these actions not only you are giving respect to your gf's wishes, you are providing support to her by being with her, and shows you actually care about how she feels in, probably confusing times for her too. If all she wanted was to see this friend before he finally leaves this world and nothing else, then I don't think she would object to this idea if you offered. If your gf maintained she wanted to go alone, then its time to think again..maybe other motives?!
  17. Loner

    Loner Well-Known Member

    I live in Canada. And I can tell you that there are lots of cases here in Canada especially in the ontario area that there are a lot of lurkers and pervs that like to prey on suspecting girls. Don't be surprise when she shows up on newspapers. The best bet is to go with her, but in your case, that is not an option it seems like. I also wonder if they made some sort of suicide pact since he's dying. That's been getting bigger recently(not anywhere specific)

    You should have this person forward you proof of terminal illness. I don't think there is anything you can do about it. I mean you can't ALLOW OR DISALLOW her to go. You should hire a private investigator to follow her hahaha. If I live in ontario, you can hire me.
  18. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Like a boss.
  19. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    What!? Did not! you troll! Trolllllllllllllllllllllllll!

    I do genuinely believe that this guy is going to die, it's a matter of when I guess. And I do feel sorry for him (from what I know, his GF of a long time passed, along with his mother, and his father is a chronic alcoholic). And I do agree that this sounds like a TVB script (which I haven't been keeping up with at all) and that's where the difficulty comes in.

    In addition, I'm living with her right now and she really isn't doing this behind my back. I'm there when they chat, play, etc. They have a close knit group of e-friends together. And we've actually play/voice chat together sometimes so he isn't really a complete stranger to me or her (but then again, it is the internet). And she really is one of those people that are super nice and get taken advantage of and she knows that but I guess it's out of her control.

    But in honesty, I do feel some of you are making this out to be way worse than it is :D

    Hi Knoc and Shinobi!
    #59 Nirvania, Jun 13, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2012
  20. i have a friend who lived with his gf and was familiar with another friend, it only took one night of her returning at 3 am to find out she cheated on him with him. You cannot be around her 24/7 and its your call but for any amount of money i would never let her fly over to meet some guy from the internet esp for 2 whole weeks? She's emotionally attached to him and you may think it's all innocent and stuff but its the equivalent of letting another guy jump dry hump her with your approval. Just think of the situation as if you were just married to her... are you going to give her away like that?

    the warning signs and everything is there to show you that shes too into him and he could easily influence her... best of luck whatever it is but when she gets back see if she's changed in any way and you'll know whats up.