deadlifted 225 (3 reps) and benched 205 (3 reps) weighing at 151.5 (tried 152 but wouldn't balance) but lets say i haven't been close to this weight since 6th grade or so lol. So you can say best shape of my life so far? And just did about 1000 jump ropes today only counted one set of 280. Been using the TRX lately for most of my workout and Ill say its really good and versatile.
pssh more like 7 levels...!!! im hardcore like that..pwhaha and whut do you do for exercise...? ride ya pink flower bike..?? -whistle
dam, havent workout for at least 3 months or so due to my wrist....i'm no doubt outta shape...i can even feel it...
benched 1 rep 225 although had my back arch a little facepalm so doesn't really count and ran mile in 7:20.
damn thats hard man i can bench 225 but walking to mickey ds for that burgers fries and coke thats ruff. Well Done!
my 10 minute climbing workout 6 blast pull‐ups 6 Narrow‐stance push‐ups openhand, dead‐hang 10”, pull‐up 6 Typewriter pull‐up 6 Pushups Fingertips Half crimp, dead‐hang 10”, pull‐up 6 Negatives, 3 each arm 6 Triceps dips Full crimp, dead‐hang 10”, pull‐up 6 off‐set pull‐up lock‐offs 6 Push‐ups, add clap pocket Pull‐up, dead‐hang 10”, pull‐up 6 Pull‐ups with L‐seat 6 Wide Push‐ups sloper, dead‐hang 10”, pull up