Ngo Ka Nin Marrying in September

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    TVB actor, Ngo Ka Nin (敖嘉年), will also be added to the list of dragon celebrity grooms this year. Next Magazine reported that Ka Nin and his girlfriend of 12 years, Betty, plan to hold a small and private wedding in Canada this September.

    Wanting to keep things simple and low-profile, Ka Nin originally did not want to announce his wedding to the public. However, after news of his planned wedding in Canada leaked out, Ka Nin had no choice but to confirm it to the press.


    Ka Nin admitted to Next Magazine, “Yes, I will be getting married in September. But I do not wish to disclose the exact date.”

    The 39-year-old actor explained that he wants the wedding to be simple and small. The couple will not dress up for the wedding, nor will they invite their friends to witness their marriage. After the ceremony in Canada, they will return to Hong Kong and hold a 3-table wedding banquet, in which they will invite their families, relatives, and elders to attend. Ka Nin’s martial arts elders, including his sifu and martial arts actor, Chen Kuan Tai (陳觀泰), are also invited. The couple will not invite Ka Nin’s colleagues from the entertainment circle.

    An insider revealed more details of Ka Nin’s wedding, “His girlfriend’s entire family lives in Canada. Since the couple does not want a high-profile wedding, they decided to hold it there. They have not taken their wedding pictures yet, but they will go to Thailand in the end of the year to make that up. Ka Nin and his sifu, Chen Kuan Tai, agreed to help out in Sharon Yeung’s (楊盼盼) new film, but because of the wedding, Sharon Yeung postponed the filming from September to October. After the wedding, they will also stay in Canada for their honeymoon.”

    Ka Nin Plans to Buy a House in Thailand

    Ka Nin and his girlfriend currently live in a rented flat in North Point. Ka Nin expressed that he hopes to have a chance to purchase his own residence after marriage, but flat prices are currently too expensive for him to afford. Although Ka Nin cannot realize his home-owning dreams in Hong Kong, he plans to do it elsewhere, “I’m planning to buy a house in Thailand because both my girlfriend and I really like it there. With $2 million HKD, I’ll be able to buy a house there to be our ‘love nest’!”

    Betty Willing to Be Ka Nin’s “Invisible Woman”

    Ka Nin has been with TVB for 15 years. After earning a “Best Supporting Actor” nomination and winning “Most Improved Actor” for 2009’s Rosy Business <巾幗梟雄>, Ka Nin rose from a second-tier actor to a second-line actor within a few years. Ka Nin received top billing after Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) and Kent Cheng (鄭則士) for the palace drama, King Maker <造王者>, and will star alongside Wayne in Lee Tim Sing’s (李添勝) new drama, Detective Columbo <神探哥倫布>.

    A former news reporter for the Associated Press, Ka Nin’s girlfriend, Betty, currently has her own business, and is the owner of a workshop. Betty was very supportive of Ka Nin during the low points of his career, and was willing to be Ka Nin’s “invisible woman” once Ka Nin’s career began to take off again. In 2011, romantic rumors of Ka Nin with Elena Kong (江美儀) and Toby Leung (梁靖琪) sprung, prompting Ka Nin to slowly reveal his “taken” status to the public.

    Creds: Next Magazine
  2. lovetvb

    lovetvb Well-Known Member

    She is ugly,old...sorry to say that.
  3. myhatran

    myhatran Member


    i though that was his mum lol !...
  4. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Ka Nin is his name o_0 I thought it was something else. Congrats to him regardless and why is he wearing these hats these days (like he did in Tiger Cubs [wasn't recent but still])
  5. myname

    myname Well-Known Member


    "Ugly..." depends on the eye of the receiver. But "old" doesn't mean ugly though... some people look better with age (even though that photo doesn't support this) -unsure
  6. ck198888

    ck198888 Well-Known Member

    Congrats to Ka Nin. His acting has been very good and glad that TVB is giving him opportunities.

    At first glance, thought she was either his elder sister or his manager...never thought as his girlfriend. LOL.
  7. always thought he married already... wish them forever happiness:)