Directed to all the PA girls out there... Would you rather go for a rich but ugly man, or a poor but handsome man?
^ Yeah! We girls are the ones who are supposed to be doing the "picking on" around here! Haha! Anyway, to answer the topic question, I pick option 3, none of the above. -lol
Yeah, I like making up alternative answers. You should've seen my math test paper today! -clapclap I so aced it...
I'll date the rich ugly guy and have him go and get some plastic surgery so he'll become the rich handsome guy. -cool Haha. Nahh.. but although I value intelligence, I can't be with somebody who is fugly. Intelligence does not necessarily mean that the person will make loads of money. And even so, if the person gets crazy plastic surgery to look good, think about the ugly children that you'll have. Oh, god.
too hard to pick. None of the above. My evil twin kept on telling me to pick the poor but handsome guy, but my stomach told me to pick the rich guy.
actually i change my mind... in the morning i go with the rich n ugly... go shopping with him... try to scab as much $$ as i can... then i at night i go with the poor n good looking guy -drool
hm if the poor/handsome guy was hard working, then i guess i'd pick him. but then again why would he still be poor if he was? OOH I KNOW i can become his agent and get him a modeling contract and BOOM he'd be super famous. and no other little girl will be able to get closed to my man. =P
lol both options are kinda bad.. rich+ugly would mean you're greedy, and poor+handsome would mean you're shallow. there's no way around the bad. xD
who cares about what other people thinks some ppl c rich+ugly as greedy... some ppl might think it's quality of life... poor+handsome might b seen as shallow but to others it might b romantic... the important thing is what u want and how u see -rockon