The Walking Dead Season 3

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by shinobi, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Oh please, I'll be the first one hiding in the basement, LOL... BTW, just viewed some of the upcoming teasers on AMC's site. It seems that...

    ...depart from the print story, as the samurai sword wielding Michione and Andrea are going to be captured by the Governor character. This of course deviates significantly from the established comic story line of Rick encountering the Governor. The killing of Tomas by Rick in the prison mirrored the murder of another prison tough guy (Dexter, issue # 019), again at the hands of Rick, that had become an obvious danger to their group. So I guess that closes that plot similarity. In the span of two episodes, it seems that the TV series covered the most significant events of about 30 comic chapters. Artistic license I guess, LOL...

    BTW, if any of these end of the world tales have anyone thinking about living off the grid should doomsday come, check out these houses:

  2. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Thanks for the explanation. Sounds interesting. I wonder who that person (walker even?) stalking at the woman at the end of ep2. Any clue?'s the Governor?

    Like a BOSS! Shit happens that's why =)

    I know right, it's a prison as well, even Carl found a stash of medicine supplies so there should be a section full of shotguns and stuff.

    Definitely! Carl matured so much (the way he thinks)!

    There caravan was alright, only problem was that it was too small to fit this group.
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking that it may be...
    ...Darryl's brother, Merle. It would be interesting to see what happens when he meets TDog again, whom I'm sure will get the blame for him having to amputate his hand. Frankly, I didn't see why he cut his own hand off, as the hacksaw that he had would have just as easily cut through the soft iron of the metal valve that the was handcuffed to; he could have just cut the metal instead and saved his hand. Yeah, I know; no drama in that, right?
    At any rate, IMHO, they need to have a fleet of vehicles; one type that can be used to scout and scavenge, and another type that could stand in as a movable but yet defensible shelter. If I were them, I would look for that school bus and modify it as such. They can even internally line the thing with sandbags and that would sort of bullet proof it.
  4. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Ohh yeah. Hmm when Daryl was hallucinating (his leg was about to get chewed) his brother seem to have no problem with his arms, so possibly that's a sign? But where did he get that hand from the roof (so you can be right to say his arm did get sawed off to save him from the sun burn).

    That would be a great idea, so looking forward to the next episode!

    Man I had a feeling that the dead female walker was going to come back at her because you could almost feel that tension when she was 'undressing' her. Would be freaky if that walker had a baby walker inside and it chewed her hand as she was doing the practice 'c-section'
  5. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    i didn't think of this possibility before, but i do think you're right in your guess!
  6. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    At any rate, for those that follow the print series...

    ...our sole Asian representative of TWD, Glenn, is executed; he gets his head bashed in while the others are forced to watch (issue # 100). I certainly hope that the TV series will treat him a bit more kindly :(

  7. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    wow wtf, who is that man though? Governor or that crazy prisoner?
  8. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Neither, just another bad ass character yet to come. Currently, the TV series is retelling stories (incorporating elements from) that originate somewhere in the print series time line between issues 20 through 48 or so. The bit behind the spoiler is from a much later issue (#100). Also, we've seen that the live action series doesn't necessarily follow the print's storyline with absolute fidelity; meaning that what happens in the comic doesn't necessarily mean that it will happen in AMC's television translation. At any rate, I was rather stunned by the comic writer's decision to do that. I guess they're going to have to dig up (no pun intended) another token from somewhere, eh?
  9. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    When do you think the comics will end because it seems like the characters are dying out (Rick lost his arm). I know that new characters/people are coming in like that samurai woman but I can't see where they can go if you know what I mean.
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I know what you mean. The comic story is certainly painting themselves into a cast corner as the old timers are slowly dying off. That's the danger of too much "realism" in that audiences (print or otherwise) only return if they "know" or are familiar somebody. Kill off enough of your original cast and one runs the real risk of alienating the readership to the point where they'll vote with their feet.

    The problem that I now see with the print series is that there isn't any emotional replacements coming at the same pace as they're being lost. It is possible to conduct such a storyline, but the introduction of replacement characters have to be judiciously planned, and audiences need to have time to develop feelings for them (eg. Michione, who was introduced later in the story; she's become an accepted member of the group insofar as audiences are concerned).

    Thus, for example, if Rick were killed; who would take his place? There really isn't any other character role thus far (print or television) that can rise to his level; Rick has in fact, become the 'James T. Kirk' of the franchise. IMHO, for the story to continue, they have to invest a whole lot more into the background structure of the "supporting" characters such that more than one or two can rise to Rick's central character focus if need be. Like Star Trek, they need to extend into many different stories (eg. Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager) and expand the franchise into more than being just "Rick's story of how he survived the zombie apocalypse." Remembering the Spanish family that left Rick's group, or Merle, the community center denizens in Atlanta, or even the Guy with his son that helped Rick when he first woke up; they should develop these similar but parallel lines so that it isn't only about the one story. They already have such ideas as the walking dead web-isodes would suggest. But, like Trek, I'm sure that such peripheral but associated tales will find market resonance and do well too. As a matter of fact, IMHO they can do a whole second series with just episodes about these other people.

    Just food for thought.
    #30 ralphrepo, Oct 25, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2012
  11. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Oh man, I am quite disappointed with ep3, no Rick's party involved. Don't like the story line of the Governor. He is so evil! Btw in the comics, did the Samurai girl really use her weapon to
    cut the head off her two 'loyal' walkers
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Yes, in issue # 019, and she did it without skipping a beat too.

    But insofar as the Governor,

    ...introduction into a very special character, the human horror show to replace Shane's brand of evil. I find it also disquieting that Andrea seems to be starting to warm up to him too, much to Michione's dismay. What I find puzzling is that Andrea doesn't seem to be able to discern that Merle is easily controlled by the Governor. This should set off all sorts of alarms as Merle was a loose cannon before; thus, anyone that can keep him under their thumb so easily should be watched very closely. I'm surprised that Andrea hasn't seen that.

    Oh, and BTW, I found a Walking Dead Game movie walkthrough on YouTube that is actually pretty fun to watch:






    Completed, all five episodes of the game; great story with a poignant ending. Note, at the end of episode five, one has to watch the entire video past the credits to see a short trailer on where Clementine is headed after the ending. It leaves open the possibility of a new game.
    #32 ralphrepo, Oct 31, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2012
  13. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Yeah that's the game which you can buy on iOS too.

    You were right Ralph!
    T-dog didn't do much like you said, so I guess they decided to wipe him out after all..

    Oh wow at ep4

    I thought that prisoner died because he was making these "owwwwww ahhhh" noise when he got locked outside.

    I was expecting the baby to be some walker and start biting.
  14. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Well, it looks like I was wrong,
    ...Merle after all. I wouldn't have thought that guy could have survived either. At any rate it was a real shame T-Dog getting the bite put on him. But at least he went out in a blaze of glory. And that bit about Carl having to whack his own mom; talk about macabre twists. I can tell you that this was never in the comic. I didn't agree with Michione's character explaining all the discrepancies about the bullet holes and no survivors back to the governor. If I had been her and had her suspicions, I would have kept my mouth shut. But all in all it was a pretty exciting ep
  15. Man baby should of died and become a zombie and try to eat them.. now we going to have to go through baby sit episodes meaning a repeat of season two.. There should be no room for babies in this show what a drag..i hope it gets lost and adopted only to be found in season 10 or something.. Woulda been sweet if it got even darker.
  16. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    he made use of his final bit of life worth it, that is, to save another ones life. What ever happen after that path (whether she get bit or not) it was the best t-dog could have done.

    Comes to show that Carl have matured, I wonder if he or the baby will survive later in the series because the baby will be making lots of crying noise and need lots of food supply and new diapers/clothes.

    I know right! That would cause the Governor or anyone tick. When Andrea was talking to Merle near the bush, I thought Merle would kill her or something, same applies to the scene when she was in the room with the Governor. Can she not be any smarter?
  17. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    They did that in Dawn Of The Dead [2004]
    ...pregnant woman gave birth to a zombie. But IIRC, the woman in that movie had already died before giving birth; she was tied down by her husband to await the birth because he wanted to salvage the fetus.


    But seriously, this could have been an even darker ending had the child been still born, became a zombie whose head they then had to smash in, and they then had to put down Lori anyway; ie. all for nothing.
  18. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Ohhh yeah lol, I remember having this conversation!
  19. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    Oh man, just started watching this and I'm totally hooked!
    But I started watching from season 3 and definitely need to catch up!!!
  20. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    You don't know what you're missing; you really need to start from the first ep in season one. To be honest, this is one of those series where so much happens and the personalities are so interconnected that to start from season three, you're doing yourself a real injustice; this is worth its purchase price for the DVD collection.