The Walking Dead Season 3

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by shinobi, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Impressive mid-season finale I must say. I love the way how they started this episode by introducing a new group, which, I am assuming it is the group that Ralph was talking about. To recap, since the governor plans to attack the prison, the people in the prison is not enough to have a 'war' with him, hence why Rick's army need more developing, which now is enough to counter that of the governor.

    Very clever of Glen to think of the bone as a weapon, like what happened in the prison when the handcuffed walker teared away the skin tissue and left the arm bone hanging, sharp enough to jab and infect the black guy.

    This episode is intense, lots of action. I was like YES when Michione stabbed the governor in the eye with the piece of glass, shame that she didn't get the chance to finish him with her samurai. That Andrea is one dumb bitch lol

    What Dav quoted makes a lot of sense, however I was expecting Rick's group to go back and help rescue Daryl. How did he get captured, was he not with the group =S

    I swear they hate black guys lol, first T Dog dies and gets replaced by this prisoner. Then that prisoner die and get replaced by another black guy lol.
    Feb will be quick for us busy people. Looking forward to the next episode =)
  2. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Agreed, we'll all be looking forward to Feb now that the pace of the show has picked up. Damn, the mid season break, LOL...

    ...Tyreese et al, were actually introduced to Rick's group much earlier in the comic series. He becomes almost like Rick's second in command after Shane is killed by Carl. I also agree that they needed to have a lot more manpower now that the Governor is going to attack the prison. But, I would make sure that back door (how Tyreese gained entry) is closed first. Also interesting is how the television series departed from the print, in that Tyreese's daughter (Julie) and her boyfriend (Chris), has been replaced with a completely different set of characters in Tyreese's sister (Sasha), and the family of three they're traveling with (Donna, who just got bitten and died in the prison; her husband Allen, who refused to leave her behind; and Ben, their son). In the comic, Tyreese is eventually captured by the Governor, and after a failed attempt to use him as currency to gain entry to the prison, is executed (decapitated with Michione's katana) in front of the prison by the Governor. Interestingly, in the print series Tyreese dies in the issue entitled "Made to Suffer" while conversely, he first appears in the television episode by that same name. Given all of the above, I'm not sure if Tyreese has any more legs in the TV series beyond the prison setting as his character is done, so to speak. Anything beyond would be new treatment of a character. On the other hand, they killed off Dale real quick (too quick, IMHO) and that didn't seem to stop the show, LOL... Comic version Carol also dies in the prison, leaving daughter Sophia (already dead, to be adopted by Glen and Maggie). So we'll see what happens.

    IMHO, they should keep Tyreese and the others as the group they have is really too small now that Shane, Dale, T-Dog are gone; there's also only half a Herschel too (with his bum leg and crutches). Having three other able men, along with another feisty hot chick in the group is just enough to round out their party without getting so big that they exhaust supplies too quickly.

    I'm puzzled about something however...

    ...stabs the Governor in the eye with broken glass, the camera clearly shows that as she grabs the sharp shard, her hand is obviously being cut and is copiously bleeding. Now, follow me on this; given that they're all supposedly "infected" to begin with, and that somehow, a bite from a walker triggers some other physiologic response that kills them and then turns them; it would stand to reason that a substance in the walker's mouth causes this transition from 'infected, but dormant and alive', to 'actively infected, dead and walking'. So, given that those still biting walker heads were soaking in the fishtanks like teabags, whatever was in their mouths would have freely been liberated into the surrounding water, infecting it too. Thus, the glass which Michione cut her hand on should have been well coated in walker spit. So technically, it would be just as possible for her to turn as it would like she was bitten.
    #82 ralphrepo, Dec 3, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2012
  3. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    1) It must have been that guy who escaped (the one who later got shot by his cellmate after trying to kill Rick) that opened the backdoor!
    2) LOL Good point, never thought about that!
  4. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    Welcome to representation of minorities and women in TV.

    I think TWD will get better in that respect, though, with Michonne, a woman of color who kicks major butt! Hopefully she will have a major role in the group and won't get immediately killed off. Additionally, she won't do the whole stand back and let the men make all of the decisions thing while getting herself caught up in a stupid situation where she needs rescue--i.e. Lori who couldn't drive a car without crashing it, who continually told Rick that she'd just support him in whatever decision he made without giving any input herself, and who mentioned (in a flashback) how upset and irrationally emotional she would get when Rick was logical and levelheaded, but, hey, she at least contributed something to the group by getting pregnant! If only her death symbolized the death of sexism in this show... Maybe Georgia isn't the most progressive place in the world (so there is that context of where the characters are coming from), but that doesn't mean that TWD as a show has to lack strong and complex women and minority characters.

    Formaldehyde is a disinfectant and infection seems to pass through direct contact in this show.
    #84 cailini, Dec 3, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2012
  5. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    What we need here is a "Hollywood Shuffle" version of The Walking Dead, LOL... can take this to a philosophical level that most American viewers wouldn't want to go. I notice too, that of the chattel that had passed before us, ie. the Walkers; how many Asians and Latinos were there? How come they don't go through a Chinatown, where the majority of zombies would be Asian? But that's a total aside. I think the show is primarily about Rick and his experiences, with others coming into and out of his sphere of existence and his interaction with the world. Some people, men or women, would be strong or weak at times, or worse, irrelevant, as they go. But insofar as your lament, IMHO, TWD as a show, already has strong decisive women. Andrea (when she wants to be), Michione (who does kick ass), and even Carol (by her quiet stoicism). They all have good moments mingled with poor showings, and they're all different people. So in this way, the show is just a reflection of real life. But honestly, one can actually say the same about Rick when he was on Herschel's farm. Shane had been the stronger and dominant male lead there, forcing the decision that not even Rick wanted to approach; he killed Herschel's walkers and then opened the barn and they had to then face up to killing all the walkers, including Sophia, ripping the veil that no one wanted to touch. So in essence, all the faux pas that you attribute to making Lori be a poor representation of women, one can say that even the star of the show Rick, is hardly a stellar representation of men; 'real' men that is, by his being so wishy washy. Not until the end of season 2, where he finally does announce, "...this isn't a democracy anymore."

    So IMHO, the show doesn't need to become a politically correct referendum on society all of the time. Showing people with all their human failings, instead evolving from various levels of weakness to strength, is what makes the show the captivating series that it is.

    Conversely, would you have preferred if Lori didn't crash the car, but came to rescue Rick, Herschel, and Glen? For example, just as the two bad guys draw on them, instead of Rick gunning them down like he did (with Glen freezing, BTW, poor statement of Asian men); would it have been better had Lori come bursting in with both barrels blazing, taking out the hoods while shouting, "...Come on 'boys' (sexually emasculating term), let's move, we don't have time for this!" or some other strong, decisive sounding words, as she breaks open the smoking breach of her double barrel, loads two more rounds while scanning the area for more targets? I mean, I'm sure they could show Amazon women sacrificing one breast for the sake of their archery; but is that what the show needs all the time? I doubt it.

    Also, Formalin or Formaldehyde is an extreme irritant. I doubt that the Governor would have such large stocks of it and use it in a closed room like that, just so that he can soak walker heads and look at them. So IMHO, they're dunked in plain water. Also, in this case, contact would be from the mouth of the walker to the water to the glass and to the wound. Inanimate objects do regularly act as vectors or pathways of infection, like using the cup or utensils from someone who is sick and then getting sick yourself. Thus, Michione should turn if the show followed real world principles of epidemiology.
    #85 ralphrepo, Dec 4, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
  6. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Funny scene from Carol and that prisoner

    "Those who have short hair are lesbians". That bit was jokes and damn the prisoner was trying to get to that 17/18 year old girl carrying the Judith
  7. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    @ Ralph
    The issue is more that popular shows like TWD and every other show on TV sideline women and minorities. TWD is definitely improving, but to say it never had any of these problems is completely missing the mark. How often do any of the women in TWD get to "save the day" other than being the nuisances that get the group into trouble? The first time Andrea patrols (after she is finally allowed to have a gun when the debate about Carl, just a child, having a gun lasts for about 2 minutes--ya, there was that component of Dale being crazy protective of her, but COME ON, she's a grown woman ^.^;; Carl is like 12) she ends up shooting Deryl (past that, though she may arguably be one of the best shots, she never has a real moment of glory...), Carol is always getting her ass saved by someone else, Maggie (after such a cool entrance) ends up constantly clinging to her boyfriend Glenn, and don't get me started with Lori. Additionally, how much airtime did we actually get of T-Dog (our token black guy) before he bit the dust? What makes him so innately less interesting? T-Dog then gets replaced by black guy # 2 from the prison who dies shortly after. This is not to say that TWD needs to have strong, dynamic, and fully fleshed out women and people of color and that everyone should be treated equally in terms of their choices and actions for TWD to be a good show. It's just to notice that its treatment of women and minorities is tiresome and continues to perpetuate stereotypes that, I hope in our day and age, don't have a strong grounding in reality. Furthermore, just because this is Rick's story doesn't mean that the rest of the cast can't be dynamic or interesting. It's a better show if the supporting cast is full of complicated and rich characters.

    Michonne, as I was saying before, is where I hope TWD redeems itself in terms of its general treatment of women and minorities.
    And she keeps proving to be an awesome character.

    Anyways, I absolutely love TWD even with its problematic aspects. The show doesn't have to be politically correct to be entertaining. In fact, some of the least politically incorrect (not caught up in PC-ness) media can be the most entertaining.

    For me I find it important to enjoy the media I consume, but to also be critical and skeptical of it at the same time.
  8. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    From Hollywood, politically correct women, especially for Cailini:





    ...well, maybe not this last one, LOL...

    #88 ralphrepo, Dec 5, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2012
  9. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    pretty sure we're not gonna be alive by Feb.....
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Well, if you're going to splurge that 401K on hookers, then I would do it now with about two weeks to go, LOL...
  11. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    approved! :jb:
  12. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    ^the world just keep getting weirder....looks like the apocalypse is gonna happen not because of mother nature or the shifting of planets or wateva.... It's gonna be humans killing humans.....take this crazy fuck for a start....
  13. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    It's good advertising for prepping... :laugh:
  14. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    lol, well including PC women doesn't mean they have to all be wonder woman (tho, often those super hero women in comics are an excuse for a lot of teenage boys to get to see large breasted women skipping around in stilettos and pretty much their underwear, the "fighting fuck toy" if you will--as characters their main attribute is providing viewers with eye candy)
  15. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but the women are then empowered, right? I bet had Lori Grimes been hopping around in black stilettos with a sheer opened v-neck bodice and fish net stockings, strutting into town, capping walkers with dual glocks in either hand as she went; she wouldn't have been written out of the show either. -cool
  16. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    rly? i'd want her to die first... right now I RLY wish andrea would die... ffs I wish Dale had survived over this bimbo... although, Carl deserves a huge bitch slap as well... gah... can't believe we gotta see more andrea...
  17. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    Empowered... Objectified... Same thing, right?

    Subverting the damsel in distress trope doesn't mean replacing it with the fighting fuck toy and calling it a day ^.^;;

    ANYWAYS, February is so far away!!! :(
  18. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    LOL... yes it is; but I do like the idea of a 'Fighting Fuck Toy' as it has a nice official ring to it. I remember years ago, as a young man in basic, I learned about something called the "two man frontal parapet fighting position." Sort of a hole with some dirt in front of it to protect you from enemy fire. Now, imagine if every soldier in the hole had one of those fighting fuck toys to man that position with; can you imagine what it would do for morale?


    Yeah, I know. Even from here I see your eyes rolling... :laugh:

    I guess you can't please everyone, even during a zombie apocalypse catastrophe, LOL...

    ...I thought Dale to be the moral center of the show and was pretty much sure that he would be around for the duration. Imagine my shock and surprise when they killed him off. This basically knocked my perception of the show back a few steps; that even major roles (from print to screen) can and will be changed, and that no character is sacred; they're all subject to being bit and or killed off. Well, except for maybe Rick. Andrea's character this season wasn't anything to write home about. Like Cailini laments, the show seriously hasn't portrayed any female character in a consistently strong (from both standpoints of morals and martial ability) role. Andrea, as the show developed, I had hoped to fit the bill as that is what happens in the comic series, where she becomes their in house resident sniper and very late into the series even beds down Rick. However, this little side show with her and the Governor, IMHO does her character damage. Why she isn't able to see the Governor for what he is, while Michione clearly can, is a question that I can't answer. But for me, it has cast doubt on her character overall. She may be physically fit and capable, but she's morally adrift. Maybe that's the way the show wants to proceed, that is, to break her down by letting her make the dumb choices and mistakes, before building her back up; I don't know. But it certainly has many people questioning her ultimate value to the group, and in the series.

    Aside from the sexist repartee, IMHO, Michione's part isn't written with any clarity. Previous episodes had her casting a steely countenance at just about anyone who dares to cross her path. But when she's talking to Rick, notice she raises her brows and at times (like when she showed up late after the assault) she seems to almost plead with him. I found that to be a totally displaced emotion in this supposedly strong self reliant (as in 'fuck you, I'll die first before I ever admit I need you') type of personality. Thus, I think the show's writers are reverting to old habits of molding personalities and actions to fit around their perceptions of Rick; that much is apparent to me.

    Glen's part is a bit of a mix. From an initial token Asian in the background, he's moved up into the strata of "sleeping with white women" chic, and after some fits (pussied out in the fire fight with Rick, Herschel) and starts, had a dramatic 'man up' moment (head butting Merle) and taking down walkers even when roped to a chair. However, other than knowing that he was a pizza delivery guy; what exactly do we know about him? Nothing and no one cares; after all he's a typical Asian. In the background and unseen like all his other Asian brethren. There's no talk of mom, dad, any family, school, whatever. Same as with (RIP) T Dog; other than a chance at his 'exit dramaticus' moment. T Dog didn't need to even exist on this show.

    Having said that, in all honesty, the show did take some serious steps (IMHO) to show minorities as real people. They could have just as easily cast a white guy (as so often with "too big a role for a real chink" Asian characaterizations, like Kwai Chang Kane, Fu Manchu, Charlie Chan, et cetera) in Glen's spot. Also too, the large group of Hispanics desperately holed up in the Atlanta community center (which, in an unaired episode, was eventually invaded by murderous thugs and massacred), revealed and acknowledged that minority communities exist. So IMHO, the show does try, but they're constrained by the simple rule that Rick and Rick's character motivation, is (in a nod to Star Trek if you will) the "prime" directive of the show. Remember the black woman who chose to die in the CDC? What was her name? See what I mean? We don't remember because we're not made to care about them as real people.
    #99 ralphrepo, Dec 7, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  19. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    Objectification--Denying someone their agency and autonomy, using someone as an object, basically the "fighting fuck toy" is a sexualized weapon (doesn't seem very empowering to me).

    Hmm, a nice official ring to it. The term is actually from a documentary: [video=youtube;6gkIiV6konY]"[/video] .