The Walking Dead Season 3

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by shinobi, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    For some reason the link won't show... It's only visible in reply with quote?

    OHHH, you were agreeing that February is far away and not saying that empowered and objectified are the same thing. Sorry for reading your response incorrectly!
  2. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Er... Yeah, you're actually preaching to the choir; I may say things off the cuff, but that's really just my poor attempt at tongue in check humor. So to clarify, empowered and objectified are not one and the same; though some unscrupulous women (prostitute) may use it as such, that's another philosophical discourse that I won't bother to get into here, LOL...
  3. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    So next episode my bet is that the governor is going to be ten times more cray cray now that everyone he's loved has indisputably died.
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Did you see some of the preview trailers on the AMC website?

    ...the guys in the new group discussing on making an attempt to overpower Carl and Herschel and taking the prison for themselves. Thus, the Governor isn't their only problem. I agree though, that Woodbury's leader is not going to be in his right mind (if he ever was at all to begin with) now that his daughter has been whacked, his zombie head collection destroyed, and one eye permanently popped by someone he was previously told was long dead; I'm sure he's not going to be in a good mood. On the other hand, one has to realize that he couldn't have kept his group together if he was totally without intelligence. So even as he is a nut, he's a smart nut, and now he's angry. Thus, a force still to be reckoned with.

    Oh, and BTW, for those that don't want to wait until Feb 2013 for their next Zombie fix, check out this hilarious review for an older Anime zombie title called High School of the Dead (available on torrent):


    One other tangential zombie universe item that has always bugged me; why do people in zombie movies always drive like they're being chased by the police? Is there something in zombie canon that dictates all drivers in these stories, have to drive at speeds so excessive that they are 99.9% guaranteed to lose control of their vehicle and crash into a tree? If it were me, I would be plodding along at 20 MPH and just running over them as I go.

    Oh, and a long version of the best part of that High School of the Dead review:

    #104 ralphrepo, Dec 8, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2013
  5. credits: rollingstone
  6. zaelyne

    zaelyne Member

    High School of the Dead was awesome. I wish there was more to it.
  7. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    True that. I didn't like...

    ...left the story hanging like that. Of course, it was tremendous even as a one-off series. But still, they could have seriously developed more of the story (like the one sided love affair between fat boy and rich girl). Heck the main character should have been able to get all of the girls, IMHO rather than that dream miasma induced sequence where they all fall prey to a drug induced fantasy, and from what? The burning chicken? I thought that to be rather lame.

    Oh, and here's a pretty nice TWD mid 3rd season fan edit, done to the music of SkyFall:


  8. bump its back this Sunday
  9. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Yah! Time went by so quickly
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    About freaking time...

    For a mid season 3 reopener, it wasn't bad. I'm wondering whether anything will develop from...


    ...Beth's kiss to Rick's cheek upon his safe return from the raid. Notice the way she longingly lingers the look at him after she kisses him; IMHO, more than the casual interest or friendly hello kiss. She be afflicted with Hottus to Trottus, ie. she's dripping wet for Rick.


    Also, LOL at Andrea's "rousing" pep talk that quelled the rising insurrection within Woodbury. I mean, how realistic is that? These people aren't from Woodbury to begin with; they're essentially refugees of the zombie apocalypse who found themselves marooned there. She gets them to become civil and cooperative with just a few words of encouragement based on a few months of solidarity; after they were shot at, some killed, and had zombies penetrated their perimeter? Then their supposed leader, instead of aiding the bitten man, just shoots him in the head? I know if it were me, I would be out the door.

    Also, I'm surprised that their cars still work. Gasoline by this time should be degraded pretty badly without a fresh supply.

    I'm also wondering why Maggie didn't shoot the Governor or Merle instead of just the zombie guy's head? I mean, she had a scoped rifle and they were at pissing distance; she could have nailed either one easily. Also, firing on full auto? With a scoped rifle? LOL... It's not like she has all the ammunition in the world, and how the heck can she aim at anything then?

    Back at the prison, I thought for a minute that Rick was going to smash the baby and kill it when he started to zone out from its cries. And how's about Lori Grimes' ghost? Rick is having serious hallucinations, not just mistakenly seeing things when say, one is fatigued or being mentally led by a suggestive phrase, but an honest to goodness, "whaddya mean? She's right there! You mean you don't see her too?" bonafide psychiatric moment.


    But, he somehow knows that no one else can see her as he tries to play it off at first (only glancing at her while he was talking to Herschel); but then he feels the need to pull a gun against his wife? Even if he's the only one to see her, that doesn't fit. At any rate, their leader has now become a raving lunatic. I can understand that having an imperfect hero makes him all the more human, but man... talk about having a Xanax moment.

    ...Can't wait for the next ep, LOL...
    #110 ralphrepo, Feb 7, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2013
  11. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

  12. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    they better not kill daryl or glenn he da only asian guy who survives

    dale totally wasted his time to save this blonde bimbo she stupes
  13. sango

    sango Well-Known Member

    Episode 9: The suicide king

    Daryl getting rescued was expected, he's popular and they are not gonna write him off. Although he left with his brother, we'll definitely see him again.
    The scenes in woodbury were really dumb, the cheering when the brothers were fighting looked so fake.
    Andrea calming the crowd with a lame speech was quite ridiculous.
    I really hate Michonne, can't she even answer a simple question ?
  14. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    It was cheesy too when she said that Woodbury will definitely be in the book of history. I hope we see more of Tyreese and his sister (?), those two people with Tyreese should get written off because of their minds of taking over.
  15. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    Ep 10 was badass.....
  16. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    episode 10 started off really slow, but wow were the last 10 minutes good. herschel better not die......

    and for those who've had the chance to watch episode 10,
    the tiny guy in the armor who drove that van full of walkers? i'm also starting to think that merle isn't a mole after all.
    #116 Dav, Feb 18, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2013
  17. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^i thought it was a blonde chick almost thought it was andrea
  18. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Not sure I can agree with the way it was portrayed in ep 10

    ...they were ambushed. But then their attackers were standing out in the open whilst they were behind cover; the tables should have turned very quickly. The guy in the tower shooting at them keeping them pinned down? He was literally in pistol range, in the open, and for all that time, they couldn't hit him with a scoped rifle, when the Governor was able to drill one right between the eyes of the prisoner? Something ain't right. Loved Michione with her badass katana swinging self. Also, knowing that Merle is a racist good ole boy; would he really have said 'black' chick and 'Chinese' kid? Realistically, he should have said 'nigger' and 'chink' instead. Both Andrea AND Rick were essentially no shows on this episode; I love how Glenn tries to rise up but his anger over his thinking that the Governor had 'his' women, is way too much. In the midst of a zombie apocalypse, he's worried about his ego? He should have been more concerned with her well being in the first place and recognized that she gave up the prison and took off her clothes, out of fear for his safety. And what's up with the car full of illegals (yeah I know, not PC) driving around in the backwoods of Georgia? Not that they can't; I just refuse to believe that they could have survived for so long given their performance on the bridge. And where did Tyreese et al, go?
    #118 ralphrepo, Feb 18, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2013
  19. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    that's not racist, just stereotype ..... but if he said chink/gook and nigger then that's racist.... many a time, pplz get confuse between being stereotype and racist....
    #119 turbobenx, Feb 18, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2013
  20. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Yeah it was slow, I won't be surprised if they do kill off Hershel's character. He was lucky that he got saved. I think the armor guy was that lab guy (the one who was asked if he would take a bullet)

    Lol, that bit was yay, didn't like that character. How did the sniper get to the tower without first invading the prison? Yeah the sniper at the tower could have killed them all because he was high up.

    I loved that scene when Merle was saying "Chinese kid...whatever..."

    Those people that were speaking spanish were useless (that entire scene in fact), I thought they would have at least taken some supplies or something and you have a valid point. They were rubbish at the handling of firearm, so how did they survive so long.

    I reckon Tyrese, will somehow join the group again to fight the governor (it wasn't shown in the preview ep though). Would be a shame if they 'killed' off their characters just like that.