8 miles in 64:35 with 7 miles in 56:39 no breaks no water all heart lowest speed i went was 7 speed so almost avg 8 min a mile for 8 miles straight fucking craziest thing i ever did at gym lol.
my 168 pound friend did 7 miles in under an hour so my competitive spirit just took over logic roflll i had to shut him down. oh yea on that same day i benched 205 and did trx lolll but ive been slacking for 2 days drinking vodka and eating junkfood....
How you guys do this lol? any tips to run more than 2 miles? This week i need to increase from 2miles into 3miles.. I can run 1miles in 6speed/10mins without stop/break. or 2miles in 5.5 that is around 23mins.
run more often and longer distances to train your endurance and cut off the extra fat. There is really no fast way to do this you just have to do alot of it.
I've now been weight training 4-5 days a week, Yoga once or twice a week and looking to possibly join Wushu. I generally run a caloric deficit and I've cut to about 159 lbs at 5'10" with 12-13% bodyfat. Supplements: CLA, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Brewer's Yeast, Calcium, Magnesium I haven't gotten onto the protein train again cuz I've mainly been looking to cut, however I think I'm going to need to start supplementing with protein otherwise I'm going to lose my weight training gains because I've been eating so little. Do you have any brand of protein you recommend, or other supplements Nas?
i dont really take supplements but i took dymatize extended release xt protein over summer and cut tons of carbs lost like 10 pounds. Currently i'm taking cytosport 100% whey and also not really cutting carbs anymore because i need to start building up muscle and carbs supply me with energy for intense cardio. You definitely have to start consuming more carbs with proteins also if you're looking to keep that muscle in tact lol even though i weigh like 153-154 at 5 7 people sometimes say i look downright skinny thats the bad thing about cutting the carbs while doing intense cardio ur appearance will suffer even though ur strength is there.
Opti Men (Vitamin) - http://www.amazon.com/Optimum-Nutri...=UTF8&qid=1355902303&sr=8-1&keywords=Opti+men FIsh oil - http://www.amazon.com/Optimum-Nutri...=UTF8&qid=1355902341&sr=1-8&keywords=Fish+Oil Whey - http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/musclepharm/combat.html i'm 5'8 i weight like 167lb. I can only bench up to 165lb. you guys do WAY better than me.. :(
ran 2 laps around a five mile lake. 10 miles outdoors and surprisingly took less of me than 10 miles on treadmill finished in about 1:40
so 100mins? u get 10miles, that is average 10mins per mile... That is 6.0 speed accord to my treadmill..
yeah i guess but outdoors theres curves and hills (at lake) so obviously im going to get better speed on treadmill also wind resistance etc. But i sweat more on treadmill. Outdoors way less boring though lol. Use to struggle with 5 lol now i didnt even have to slow down and walk run/jog whole way for 10 miles straight.
finally starting to get back into the gym after a week off cause of a cold. monday did overhead presses. felt weak as shit but still managed to hit the same weight and reps as prior to getting sick. during accessory lifts couldn't squeeze out the last rep. today did deadlifts. everything went well til i went for the max effort set. only managed to hit the prescribed reps 5 reps instead of the 10 right before getting sick. surprisingly the accessory work felt a lot easier. im only 5'3 1.2'' 138 last time i checked give or take 5 lbs i've nvr actually tried for 1 rep maxes but my estimated maxes are overhead press 95 bench 170 squat 240 deadlift 310
lol there are estimated maxes? For me if i never did it before i cant do it. anyways rested and went gym bench 2 sets 3 rep 205 2 sets 5 reps 185 1 set 10 rep 155 1 set 10 rep 135 16 pound weighted pullup and dips ab workouts trx pushups curl 25 10 reps 2 sets
fine fine fine fine.. here overhead press 80lbs 5 reps deadlift 255 lbs 5 reps bench 140lb 6 reps squat 200lb 5 reps
hahaha i dont know why you need those estimates the weight u do is very impressive for your size obviously your back and quads are strong only thing you might improve is bench but hey u squat what i squat and deadlift what i kinda struggle to dead lift and i'm taller and weigh more than you. haha what i dont see is how you add 30 pounds to your estimated one max bench or 60 pounds to ur estimated one max deadlift rofl thats crazy! I dont get the logic hahhaa
lol thanks. yea my bench and press is weak. i wanna eventually hit 200 on bench 300 on squat and 400 on deadlift and a bodyweight press. i'm sure u'd be able to squat a whole lot more if u saved ur legs for it instead of running. i'd nvr be able to run at the volume and intensity that u do. i used one of those 1 rep max calculators. (http://www.strstd.com/ ) i'm doing the 5/3/1 program by wendler and it's based off percentages from the 1 rep max, and since i've nvr actually tested them i just use estimates
oh i c i input my stats not that accurate but i guess you can say close. Yea i guess I chose cardio over power on my lower body but still even when i didn't do cardio i couldn't squat that much i was never great at it but i've seen girls who are smaller squat more lol and my technique for squats stink. Yea 200 pounds bench even one max would be pretty crazy at your weight lol the best i did was +75 pounds over my body weight, doing 200 at your body weight would be even more impressive.