Yeah, I did that already. It is, however, a slight inconvenience for those that aren't very capable in reading Chinese.
If you can't read Chinese I don't see how using a TVPad could be convenient at all. Everything in the apps are in Chinese or Korean. Honestly, recognizing characters and downloading the right apps aren't hard. You don't need to understand chinese to do that. If you know of the app in the first place you can find it. don't be lazy!
I apologise having to ask this as I would normally Google it myself, but since I can't read much Chinese, can anyone tell me if there's any way of watching Cantonese news channels on the TVPad? Something like the TVBN (無綫新聞台) or iNews (互動新聞台) channels would be ideal. I don't actually own a TVPad, but my parents would be interested if it has one of the dedicated Cantonese news channels.
have a quick question, does the TVpad do network streaming? planning to buy one but not too sure yet. I download a lot HD movies in RMVB and MKV, and would like to playback these movie off my NAS drive.\ Since the TVpad is running android, can these apps install on a android device?
TVPAD NAS + MVOD subtitles Thanks KT for the help!. I managed to install HiTv etc... with your info. But I have 2 questions 1) Same as the above post. How can I stream my movies off my NAS? 2) I can play movies off my USB stick with Mvod, but how do I enable subtitles? I have the .srt file in the same directory as the movie but Mvod doesn't pick it up. Thanks in advance
Yes, the TVB 24hours news channel is still available on the TVpad. I believe a third party app (Vplayer) can do network streaming. The TVpad apps can't be installed on an android device, nobody is going to buy TVpad if it works on an Android device.
Btw, the VPlayer app can be found here: The payment option is for future use. Apparently TVPad intends to have paid apps as well.
just got the tvpad, i was just wondering if it broadcasts Astro channel. Specifically, I'm looking to watch the Astro on Demand awards presentation 2012. I was wondering where i could find it.
I think i need help.... I have upgraded my tvpad m121 into 3.26 firmware and I don't know how to download the apps from my usb and memory card.... has video instructions and info.
anyone know if HDMI-DVI cable be used for video and then use component audio at the same time for the M233?
Yes you sure can! that's how you use the Karaoke app. Sweet deal for the M233 at with $30 coupon code: clubtvpad326
There is a new $30 discount off the M233 already??! I just made the pre-order purchase not two weeks ago. Can I get a partial refund?