Opinions please.

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by tranceNrg, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. You said it yourself:
    She said:
    she wants to focus on healing herself, and her career.

    You said:
    I still have feelings for her since I've been actually waiting
    What can I do to help her move on so we can start the next step of our relationship above "friends". . . .

    This shows that all you care about is yourself, as you want the next step of the relationship. Nothing about what you said would imply that it would be for her benefit, nor help her in her cause.

    Yea you could say "as a human being". But there's being a decent human being, and there's being a shitty human being. What you're doing is NOT being a decent human being.

    So do you feel entitled that she should be with you? Because you chose her, you've been there when she needs it, give her a ton of space on what YOU want to do? See, my point is this. All you've been showing is that your posts are all about you, all about what you want. You haven't mentioned once about what she wants, and how you can help her get what SHE wants.

    What you need to do is stop trying so hard to find a girl, and learn to self-improvement. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the girls who have the qualities you want aren't around you because of your personality and attitude?

    Don't take offence, because you need to hear this. Based on your post, you're self-centered, driven on what YOU want, not what the girl wants. You care more about what you need to do to end up with this girl. As of right now, I haven't seen a single attribute that would attract a girl. Secondly, you're clinging on her like a web. How do you think a person (male or female) would feel to have someone stick to them like a satellite?

    Look. All I'm trying to say is focus less on trying to BE with her (or any girl), and focus more on being a decent human being. Maybe then you'll be able to meet more women with the qualities you seek. Until then, until you improve yourself, even if you meet a girl with qualities you seek, they'll be so off-putted you'll lose your chance before you even say hi.

    On a side note, you're so drunk on this girl even before going on a date. That's not a good sign.
  2. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    OMG, this is better than the TVB series nowadays....u should write for them...
  3. tranceNrg

    tranceNrg Well-Known Member

    Dan, You're right.
    I've let her go and went separate ways, I realize its not going the way I want it to be.

    Thanks a lot.
  4. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    Reminiscent of the "nice guy" syndrome.
  5. Rofl, nice guys have their own problems. Or rather, they are a problem of their own. In fact nice guys and self-centered douchebaskets are opposite ends of the spectrum.

    The douchebasket cares more about what he wants, not giving a shit about what his partner wants. He enjoys at the cost of another.
    The nice guy cares TOO much about what his partner wants, neglecting the things he wants. He suffers, at the cost of another.

    It is about having the proper balance between knowing what you want, and knowing what the partner wants, and making it work.

    In OP's case, he was leaning on the douchebasket side, so by leaning more towards the nice guy, he can balance himself out. That doesn't mean he has to turn into the nice guy.

    In the end, my point is: find the balance between the nice guy and the douchebasket, because both of those ends are assholes.
  6. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    Lol, did u read what I was referring to when I said, "'nice guy' syndrome?" There's a reason why I used quotation marks around nice guy.
  7. Tell me like I'm 5. what reason might that be?
  8. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    The whole self reported nice guy turning out to actually be the, as you call it, "self-centered douchebasket." Btw, I can't read if you are being sarcastic in the above post or not. Lol. A sarcasm font right about now would be useful, but I guess it's kinda fun trying to figure out whether or not someone is really being sarcastic (and I actually am not being sarcastic in this statement, I do find it fun).
  9. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    Or do I?
  10. No sarcasm lol. But I confess, I didn't read the article, and I probably should have. "Dickwadery" is a good term used by the article hahaha
  11. tvbpopular

    tvbpopular Member

    I think that time will settle it for ya. I think whoever spends more time with each other, the more chance for connections.