The Walking Dead Season 3

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by shinobi, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I found that if you constantly pick the same author and look for a similar approximate file size, then it's usually legit. When I go on Filestube, I type in the episode I want and then set parameters for a very narrow file size range. I've also discovered that before the episode airs, there seems to be a ton of fakes for that episode; ie. if you're looking for the next episode, S03E12, but know that it has not aired yet, then it's impossible for it to be available. That's a very obvious fake. Take note of the file name, size, and source. After looking at a bunch of these, it becomes apparent just who and where a lot of these come from. You can start to immediately recognize the fakes. Also, when I start a download, I wait about 30 seconds and then in the midst of the download, in windows explorer, immediately copy the incomplete file to another location. The file fragment will usually have a "part" extension. I will rename it back to the *.avi extension and view it. It will be incomplete of course, but it will nonetheless allow me to check the file before I complete the download to ensure that it is genuinely the file I want. If not, I can stop the download so as not to waste my time. Since you're in London, you don't have to worry as much about the MPAA, but you're still not 100% safe from copy infringement suits. Staying away from P2P is smart.
  2. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Thanks for the tip. I'll try that this weekend, or I'll get the files from a friend when this season finishes
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    After watching S03E12, I'm a bit puzzled by how much artistic license this show can take.

    TWD S03E12 01.07 Lone Survivor On Road Begs For Help

    Firstly, the chances of having another survivor walking around all by his lonesome, without even a weapon; at this stage of the game is, IMHO... none. He also looked amazingly clean, like he just bathed, brushed his teeth, had his morning coffee and then got up to do this cameo on a 'walking dead' episode. Seriously, it's been more than a year already. Thus, the guy running behind their car, begging for help? No chance. Getting stuck too, in the soft grass, driving off it by another half foot, stopping and then starting again? No. They would have gotten immediately stuck again; they needed to keep moving until they were out of that soft surface area. Anyone ever stuck in mud, sand or soft grass would intuitively know this.

    It was a nice poignant touch in having Morgan retell the story of how it was his zombified wife that had eventually killed his son; his subsequent guilt because it was his original weakness (his inability to put her down after she had turned) which allowed it to happen.

    I'm surprised that they didn't take a few more rifles from Morgan's stash. He also had what looked like crates of ammo and grenades that they didn't seem to touch. It was a nice idea to use caged rats as zombie bait. I can imagine a Radio Controlled model car pulling a caged rat to distract a herd. Rick also just got stabbed right into the chest. From the look of the length of that knife, it should have at least punctured a lung. How he would survive a wound like this, with zero medical assistance, ie surgeon with antibiotics, is beyond me. I guess this is what they mean by the magic of television, LOL...

    TWD S03E12 02.24 Erin Zombie Outside Car

    Also, in an excellent bit of script writing, at the very beginning of the episode, there is a sign addressed to someone named, "Erin" advising her that they're leaving and attempting to get to Stone Mountain. Erin was likely one of their family or party that didn't make a rendezvous and they were forced to leave without her. Well, from the bracelet, we now know what happens to poor Erin; she's outside Rick's car as a zombie slapping at the window. It's attention to small ongoing background details like this that makes this show so superb.

    I'm a bit surprised that they haven't yet found a river or lake system to hide out on; a simple walled barge, protected by sandbags would suffice as water would be a great barrier; they're ahem... 'walkers' not swimmers. Zombies falling into water, especially a moving river, would eventually be washed with the currents into the sea; they would be fodder for fish or other undersea life. Of course, that raises a whole bunch of other food chain questions, but that's another issue. The Chattahoochee River runs right through Atlanta. They should have been able to find something along those waters. IMHO, their safest bastion would be a merchant ship of some kind; it would have been easy to defend and movable to a degree, should the need ever arise.

    A funny but serious aside from all this is that SHTF WROL shows like this really makes one think about preparing for anarchy should society ever collapse, LOL... But take a look at this:!

    These guys will likely last two days, LOL...
    #143 ralphrepo, Mar 4, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2013
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    fucking loved everything about this episode
  5. i was watching the latest ep on my phone and couldn't really see

    if the guy with the bag died or not?
  6. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Yes he did.

    I enjoyed the episode. It was nice to see Morgan again. They cut off that storyline so quickly.
    I almost expected Morgan to join Rick and fight the General, which would have made things interesting.
  7. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Haha yeah, he couldn't have been a camper too because why would he be so silly to scream out in the open. He is just getting himself an express ticket to zombie city. The end was jokes, he got destroyed...and.....had his picnic bag (?) taken. Stealing from the dead is the way to survive in the world of Zombie-outbreak.

    Such as shame that Morgan refused to join the group. I wonder if he will somehow appear in the future episodes of TWD series. He is so stocked up, almost like an armory. Very well planned out place too, all booby trapped.

    Yeah I know right! Would have been a good twist IF SOMEHOW Morgan meet up with Tyrese and they somehow know each other (shit happens lol) and Tyrese and that woman (yeah not the other two) become an UC and end up killing/setting up the Governor.
  8. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member



    TWD S03E12 42.17 Backing Up To Scavenge Dead Loners Backpack (Loner's dead body pointed at by large yellow hand) knows that one has to scavenge from the dead in order to get to the next level. As for that camper dude, I suppose he may have had a (pre introduction) Tyreese type of existence, that is, had been sheltered in a prepper bunker type hide out, but eventually had to come out after his food supply ran out. Yes, his body was devoured, and Rick, et al, stopped and scavenged his back pack. Morgan joining the group too, would have been good. But then again, having another over the edge nut wasn't in their best interests; even Rick saw that. I guess that's why they left him. The lesson of this ep was that Rick, through Morgan's behavior, finally saw that he himself, had a problem and was finally admitting it not just to himself, but to Michione.

    BTW, did anyone else notice that after Rick gets stabbed in the middle of the chest, the wound then miraculously moved to the left? Also, the knife that Morgan stabbed him with, is amazingly bloodless? I was also wondering why the lone survivor's body didn't move when their car came next to him? If anything, he should have turned; IMHO, the approaching car would have aroused him. Also, did anyone else notice the windows of the Tucson that they're driving seems to have miraculously clean windows that become suddenly filthy dirty, then a few seconds later, are surprisingly spotless once more? LOL...

    Prepper infinite food supply. Talapia is boring after a while, but hey... it sure beats starving, especially during a zombie apocalypse.




    Oh, and a total aside; I wonder if Hyundai paid anything to AMC to use their 2012 Tucson on the show?
    #148 ralphrepo, Mar 4, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2013
  9. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Didn't realise the car but I did find the loner strange (he didn't turn or react even when split into two). Possibly his head got destroyed/chewed?
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    IMHO, I don't think Hyundai actually paid anything, as one has to look really hard to see the logo; the wording of "Tucson" is unreadable. If they had paid to be positioned into the program, I'm sure they would have been a lot more prominently featured; their name would have at least been more visible. And speaking of the commercialization of Walking Dead:








    #150 ralphrepo, Mar 6, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2013
  11. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Is that Hyundai car commercial legit? Because how could they rip AMC's programme and put it on their ad. Fan made? (I didn't click on the "Watch on Youtube" so can't verify the uploader)

    Some crazy door-to-door sales people. If they were real walkers, they would have took a bite long time ago lol

    LOL That superbowl commercial with Daryl is funny! Would be worried to be the house-cleaner.

    That's some unplesant looking walker (the 'actor')

    Didn't find the soup that interesting.

    Really? That is one super strong cleaning powder.

    So 'Billies' are people with a mental disorder with somewhat exploded teeth?


    Interesting find, didn't know they exist
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Nah, it looks Fan Made; at the very end, the voice over changes. But, here's some real Hyundai efforts, too bad they mostly sucked, LOL...


  13. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    I'm so ridiculously emotionally attached to Morgan now and want him to join #TeamPrison ASAP. He could totally redeem himself.
  14. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    This ep wasn't that great. Wasn't expecting that scene with Glen+Maggie.
    Only 3 episodes left if I heard correctly!
  15. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Dang it. Lots happening over the weekend, then busy at work, and now trying to play that stupid Tomb Raider 2013 (PS3) and stuck in the last scene of the Solarii Fortress (Machine Gun); didn't have time to watch, but I read some on line reviews and it seems that I didn't miss anything, LOL...

    ADDENDUM: BTW, finally saw s03e13... the opening, the scene where Rick and Daryl leave Herschel alone in the car; how did the front right door of the car seem to close itself? Rick leaves the door wide open and the camera cuts away. A few moments later, when we see Herschel alone in the car, the door is shut? LOL...
    #155 ralphrepo, Mar 12, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2013
  16. sango

    sango Well-Known Member

    I like the story of the Walking Dead but I don't really like any of the characters.
    I wouldn't care if they all die. The writing is just terrible when it comes to characters.
    Look at Lori and Andrea for example, giving them such weird personalities.
    Maybe that's why the producer has already been replaced twice.
  17. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Ha ha... Don't sugar coat it, give it to us straight, LOL...

    All joking aside, I guess the level of dysfunction in characterizations can be a bit off putting with many in the audience. I mean, as forgiving as I am with television roles, even I can be quite eager for the show to "kill off" certain players. Unfortunately, this show seems to kill off the good people whilst the annoying ones remain... :wtf:

    Having said that, I think the show purposely does that to create genuine love hate feelings within the viewer. Does it work to retain audiences? Well, so far, it seems to be successful so I don't think they'll change the formula any time soon. Time will tell.
    #157 ralphrepo, Mar 17, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2013
  18. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    this a good show... but tbh, it gets boring at times.... I like Spartacus way more than this, every episode seems to be more badass than the previous, too bad it's the last season tho....
  19. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    DaFuq? This newest episode, S03E14, while a shade better than ep 13, is still boring. But a few important things happened. The players are finally laying their cards on the table it seems. But, what I want to know is...

    ...the Governor get away? LOL... That was a really slick move that Andrea pulled on him, even if the mechanics of it was improbable as heck. IMHO, the walkers should have tried to follow her down and they would have already blocked the doorway, thus preventing such a move. Nonetheless, once she did that, them walkers should have been all over him, like white on rice. I loved the fact that Tyreese couldn't shoot worth a shit, and that's even with a scope. The walkers in the pit shouldn't have just been burnt red, but burnt black to a crisp; anyone who ever used a grill can easily attest to the fact that meat, dripping fat into flame, usually causes fires to burn hotter and longer. The meat on the grill is literally blackened in less than a minute. An uncontrolled burn of decaying human flesh with gasoline in a pit? They should have been ashes, not simply 'reddened' walkers still able to move, IMHO. Moreover, muscle tissue subjected to intense heat like such flames in a pit, is cooked. The walker muscles won't be able to move at all. It would be as silly as expecting a roasted chicken to jump back up and walk off the plate.

    But the ending was rather video gamish; I loved how the camera view mimicked the movements of a first person shooter as it walked into the Governor's secret torture chamber. The close was epic; Andrea, about to get her comeuppance. Hmmm...
  20. person

    person Well-Known Member

    lol, tv shows never have much logic. How are the girls hair etc so perfect? Aside from Carol, why has no one elses hair grown? What about Glen? He may be Asian, but he should have some patches of a beard. Strands of hair, or what have you.
    And the grass. Who mows that?

    Aside from that, I found the episode to be interesting. The General is so far gone...

    I wonder what will happen to Martin. I'm pretty sure Martin was the one who lit the zombie pit on fire. You're right, unrealistic of them to be able to move after the burning. But again tv shows, no logic.
    Wonder what will happen to Andrea and Martin.