hmmm... never gotten drunk or tipsy before... n i don't go red... but i don't have a very high tolerance... just average i think... i usually stop after 6 or 7 standard drinks the max...
oh wait... i have gotten tipsy before... i drank about half a bottle of vodka with ice only... n i got so dizzy n sleepy lucky i was at home... then woke up in the middle of the night coz i was so thirsty n drank water... no hang over the next day i did this abt 2 or 3 times in a week n end up with a sore throat coz the alcohol burnt my throat...
i have the "asian glow" thast wat my friend said...get red before getting drunk..i just turn red fast
um i dont go red , i will get tipsy around 4-5 vodkas and cokes or had like 4 pints and been ok. Drunk would be 5+ singles spirits and mixer, and shots and beer.... Prob mixing different drinks will get me drunk really quick, also depends on how much i eat before drinking, more food will slow down the alcohol Im off out tonight with a mission to get as drunk as possible to celebrate my results!
depends my alcohol tolerance varies. If i haven't drink for awhile then i have a very low alcohol tolerance but i could always build it up. Generally speaking my alcohol tolerance is pretty high. But i do know how to get drunk faster just don't eat before u drink n keep chugging the drinks. note: with champange and sometimes beer don't chug that shit and keep burping the air bubbles out if not they r just going to build up on your stomach and then it's going to cause u to throw it back out well have fun..
50% of all asians suffer from deficiency in the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which is used to get rid of acetaldehyde during the breakdown of ethanol(alcohol), and ppl that lack this enzyme turns red, while others doesn't. o ya acetaldehyde is toxic to the body.
dont let the guys know tho what an awesome topic... hehe... sort of im new zealand maori (polynesian) and some of our genetics have been traced back to the indigenous taiwanese... i dont know what this means in the larger scope of asia... but anyway.... this particular gene that links us... points to an intolerance for alcohol hehe... so, well, i guess i can sympathise a little... my make up is quite a bit british, so i think... or like to... that i can handle more than my average less colonised polynesian... lol. or maybe not... coz i do go red sometimes... i always thought it was just me, so thank god for you guys, now i know there might be a reason for my embarassment hehe. but i just realised... that most of the times ive been asked if im asian... have been when im wasted...
my drinking is very weak last ime i got drunk on a vodka shot so it can be a cheap night out for me hee hee
depend on what i'm drinking. if i'm drinking bir i'll have a low tolerance but if i'm drinking liquor like vodka i'll have a higher tolerance.. but i do turn red quite fast
How much alcohol can i handle before being tipsy hmm wel i had 2 bottles of wine 26 bottle of smirnoff and a few............... shoots before i got a lil tispy
26 bottles of smirnoff?? like the 700ml ones with 40% alcohol content?? r u sure u didn't die from alcohol poisoning after all that?? i wonder how ur liver is doing...