arg.. why is this series so short.. should be longer... scrap bullet brain and make the series longer!!! haha
Agreed .. the two lawyers story suddenly give life to the series .. rather crappy odd meaningless story.
Anyone know what the app they are playing in ep 243? The one with the baby dragon and they have to feed it, change nappies........
I just realized this series is extended to 400 episode instead of the 300. Sigh .. gotta put on something new .. so boring. It's almost summer ...
Oh it's extended to 400? That's awesome (very serious) -lol! I dont know why you hate it.. i seem to be enjoying it. Though some stories are a drag (John & Alex)
My jaw just dropped when I saw the increase to 500. I guess TVB is way too desperate to clinch on to those rating. I highly doubt there's much to write with this series continuation. Expect a lot of odd and stupid episodes through out .. something like big spring sale .. summer sex .. lol
omg.. her shoes.. how can she walk in those.. haha... This is one of the best sitcoms TVB has put together in awhile.. cast is good too..