ewwww she's weird. she has face vision blindness. i guess they wanna bring all of them back for one last push. where's AH BEW, the guy who was MIA at that PAWN SHOP and suddenly appeared lolz. dudes the best.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO why does it have to end! maybe.. just maybe they might extend again... haha they said it was suppose to stop at ep700...
The love triangle between Ken, terry and angel is so funny lol But angel and Ken are so sweet together Hope they end up as a couple
Wow lol Jing yee looks so different when she actually wears a dress and has her hair down But its great to see that the writers are tying the knot together for these two. Now they only need to do the same with John and Lovely and Isabella and Alan and then i will be glad
when Terry got pushed out of the elevator LMAOOOOOO wat a salty worm the new LE Isaac? potential love triangle with Jee Lei? I think he's better than Ah Ho they also need to get back to Pinky and Jee Yun story too
I'm slowly catching up!! Just seen the ep where it was mother's day and ji lei went to ming house instead
I just watched that episode too (yea quite behind). That voice recording was definitely Chi Yan's voice -lol
[video=youtube;IRq3Irrhykg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRq3Irrhykg[/video] new one? played in todays ep.
In Scoop... did they say they're goign to keep the series name "Come Home Love" but change out most of the cast.... ? Got confused, are they finishing CHL or just extending it again but with a whole influx of newer castings?
Well. I got what I wanted.. the Ma Family is staying. But Eliza got swapped for Priscilla? WTF! I didn't see her at the event and from what I read before Priscilla wasn't going to be in this..
lol was wondering why prissy and louis cheung was at the latest CHL function .....didn't read up on it tho tvb love louis guy right now