English Title: Brick Slaves Chinese Title: 樓奴 Release Date August 3, 2015 Genre: Modern Producer: Law Zan Ngok Episodes: 20 Cast Vincent Wong Selena Li Eliza Sam Evergreen Mak Rachel Kan Matthew Ho Kiki Sheung KK Cheung Toby Chan C Kwan Chow Chung Helena Law Lan Ching Ho Wai Penny Chan Davily Leung Janice Shum Fanny Ip Even Chan Brian Chu Alvis Lo Kitterick Yiu Kelvin Chan Description Premiering on August 3, Brick Slaves <樓奴> is an upcoming TVB drama that discusses the struggles faced by young people in Hong Kong when purchasing their first properties. The story begins with Lou Yiu Ming (Vincent Wong 王浩信)), who is preparing to marry his girlfriend and puts all of their savings towards the down payment for an apartment. Unfortunately for Yiu Ming, his girlfriend breaks up with him and secretly leases the apartment to piano teacher Tsai Jian Ching (Selena Li 李施嬅). Heartbroken, Yiu Ming faces yet another setback in life when he gets retrenched from his job. For the sake of meeting his mortgage payments on the apartment, Yiu Ming is forced to live with Jian Ching and put up with her strict demands. The two often argue over their differences but Yiu Ming discovers one day that there is a lot more to Jian Ching than meets the eye. Yiu Ming eventually finds a new job with a property company. Yiu Ming’s employment by the company however causes colleague Lao Bi Dat(Evergreen Mak 麥長青) to lose his chance for a promotion. As a result, Yiu Ming and Bi Dat have a strained relationship. Nevertheless, Yiu Ming’s supervisor Li Ai Wah(Kiki Sheung 商天娥) thinks highly of Yiu Ming and assigns him the responsibility of mentoring the company’s intern, Chu Bi Ji (Eliza Sam 岑麗香). After several shared encounters, Bi Ji gradually develops feelings for Yiu Ming. However, Yiu Ming finds himself falling for Jian Ching instead. Before Yiu Ming can do anything about his feelings, Jian Ching abruptly decides to terminate her lease at Yiu Ming’s apartment… Videos
Surprised to say, but I like this series so far. These days, buying a house can cost way more than you make. How can anyone buy a home in certain cities... So the concept is relative to the social issues we all faces today.
The concept is nice but first episode was kinda boring. Definitely a lot of people can relate to this series though. C Kwan again too. I'm not sick of seeing him yet.. pretty troll. Shinobi knows what's up with a wet
Damn that's an awesome picture haha...the dress is nice...I'll wait till this is done before starting to watch it. But looking forward to seeing more of Selena, forgot how cute her Cantonese is, been hearing her in English lately.