It could be coincidence, maybe I didn't install an update. Will try again to hibernate again tonight to see if it boots up (and didn't fall asleep yet) runtohell121 What happens when your computer boots from a scheduled update? Goes back to sleep after it's done?
Jeff It stays turned on after it finish updating. I didn't realize that it was scheduled at 3AM in the morning. So when I woke up, the computer was on for hours already and with my settings, there's no screen savers or sleep mode from inactivity.
Wouldn't it be a much better option to have the updates installed just before you're shutting the computer, as in before the power cuts, instead of the start up...? I thought they always had it installed before the power cuts in previous Windows..
Well, I normally don't "shut down" the computer, just putting the computer into sleep mode. If I was to shut down the computer, then yeah, it will install the update before it fully shuts down/cut power. But sleep mode is just standby and ready to resume when you press the power button. In Windows 8.1, I had the option to disable the scheduled updates. Right now, I'm still trying to figure out how to disable updates as I did recently, but annoying popup warning me I need to enable update/policies because I disable scheduled updates, etc.
in Win 7 and win 8/8.1 you can disable the notifications relating to windows updates: (haven't bothered checking in win10 yet)
Doubt 10 have a nice UI for you to disable them, but you try this registry hack* to disable notifications in general. *use at your own discretion.
kevin Search power options, then change plan settings>advanced power settings>sleep>Allow Hybrid Sleep to On. Last night, no random boots. I pressed sleep and still broken for me (boots up, but monitor will not wake). Will try hibernate tonight. Still default BIOS and Power settings
Thanks for your response and I done that (just now), but the option is not showing - I'm guessing I need to restart my PC? edit : still not showing after restart - any idea?
kevin Ok, I suggest turning hybrid sleep back to off. Then just follow this. Personally I'll do option 3, but some people don't like to mess with their registry directly. Option 2 and 3 is the same thing more or less.
Thanks Jeff - it turns out that I just needed to enable the "hiberate" button as per the below link
IF your monitor isnt' waking up but your system is... it sounds like you display card isn't powering back up properly. Any settings around that aspect you could tinker with?
I have GTX 460SE, about 3-4 years old. I'm not too sure where I can tinker with my graphic card settings though. But hibernating my monitor could wake back itself. When I had Windows 7, hibernate would not wake but sleep would. Windows 10 is vice-versa. I don't know what the problem is.. . As long as one works, then it's fine for me. Tonight, I will try hibernating again and hopefully no random boot ups.
GTX 460 here also, not much problems so far with Windows 10... Everything updated to most recent drivers, but had one time when waking computer up from sleep, black screen on both monitors, had to force reset.
Exactly what happens. Black screen on both monitors and have to force reset. Funny thing is, I never had a problem before I went to HK last year. I shut my computer down fully before I left. Then after I came back is when I started having problems with hibernating on Windows 7.
Think it was the first time it ever did that. Never had issues with Windows 8.1 when waking from sleep. But my computer did have occasionally freezing/crashes where the whole computer froze and won't respond unless I reset when on Windows 8.1. Haven't experienced any crashes yet on Windows 10.