Hong Kong singer Miriam Yeung was recently reported to have been hit by a charging bull while participating in a reality show. According to On CC News, the actress, who was in Spain for the second season of "The Amazing Race China", unexpectedly got hit by a bull out of nowhere just moments before filming began. Husband Real Ting, who witnessed the incident, quickly came to her aid to ensure that the bull would not harm her again. According to Miriam, she was lucky that it was a minor accident and that the medical staff was around. "I was really scared at the time. I was conscious the whole time, but my mind was blank," she said, recalling the event. The actress added, "As soon as the filming was done, I rushed to the hospital for further examination to make sure that there were no broken bones." Real also admitted his shock at what happened, saying, "When I saw the bull charging towards her, my mind went blank for a second before I could even react." Though he wanted Miriam to go to the doctor as soon as it happened, the actress was determined to continue filming. "My wife really is a superwoman," he said. By Heidi Hsia | From Cinema Online Pics from ONCC
I don't get why humans like to fuck with bulls. Watch this clip. Some WWE shit with the tombstone piledriver. Warning: Death. Watch at discretion Spoiler
That's not a mature bull, people keep messing with will get the horns eventually. People die from it all the time..
why can't people stay away from them bulls..... like i get that you want to have a rush but when baby bulls grow up and becoem big bulls, they will mess you up~!!
Eric Tsang & her daughter Bowie Tsang were also on the same show (The Amazing Race China). They both had to pull out in the end because Eric had leg problem (gout) that was caused by the strenuous filming. Bowie Tsang, who paired up with him in the show, had also been treated for a bacterial infection in her bones after a filming mishap.