Having announced that she would stop with the dieting, Joyce Cheng has seen a big increase in her confidence, and recently posted up her bikini photos, showing off her curvy figure. This time, she's posted on her Instagram a very sexy bikini photo with the caption: "The calm before the storm" which didn't make any sense until one of the netizens commented on : " woah, big rain clouds" which coincided with the storm warning forecast that evening. ~~~ Creds: oncc
.It's summer ... so bikini weather? mmmmm i get the whole 'embrace your body' movement... but.. well.. just not my cup of tea i suppose
Good Job for her diet! Finally, natural beauty. Nowdays, most of the girls have either surgery or fake boobs. I support her!
As long as it makes her happy and gives her confidence, then keep doing what you're doing. That is if you're not too overweight to the point where health concerns start to become a serious issue..
^ This, can never over emphasize this point. Do what make syou happy but dont' be ignorant to health issues that your choices may lead to is all ummm... guys in bikinis? pass