Ever since Hong Kong celebrities Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong rekindled their romance, their relationship has been under intense media scrutiny. Recently, she was spotted in a Paris Shopping Centre in flat shoes & wearing a long, loose red dress. The photos fanned rumours that the singer may be pregnant again. Several months ago, photos of Wong dressed in loose sports attire while doing non-intensive exercises emerged, sparking the rumours. She also deliberately used a jacket to cover her chest. Wong had reportedly postponed her concert with no definite rescheduled date to spend time with her beloved daughter, Dou Jingtong. But some speculated that it could be her wish to rest and focus on her pregnancy. Source: Asian E-News & ONCC
It does seem like she's got a slight bump ~ happy for her and nic though but i don't like whats she wearing
For a sec there, I thought it was a crazy person. This could be her style or she's trying to hide it... Is it Nicks?