English Title: Night Shift Chinese Title: 夜班 Genre: Crime, Thriller Producer: Poon Ka Tak Episodes: 11 Cast: Frankie Lam (林文龍) Dominic Lam (林嘉華) Kathy Yuen (湯怡) Samuel Kwok (郭鋒) Sin Ho Ying (冼灝英) Philip Keung (姜皓文) Luvin Ho (菁瑋) Wu Kwing Lung (胡烱龍) Kong Fai (江暉) Rachel Lam (林熹瞳) Crystal Leung (梁寶琪) Bryant Mak (麥子樂) Eva Chan (陳詩慧) Chow Tsz Lung (周子龍) Synopsis A series filmed entirely at night, the entire story begins in the darkness and ends in the darkness. The story links together the experiences of several E.U. assault team members working different night shifts. During their shifts, they already encounter all kinds of unfathomable dangers and challenges, but the true test of their endurance lies in the endless temptations that they face in the darkness of the night. With their willpower slowly weakening as the night wears on, their self-protection and restraint are also in danger of suffering serious blows. Trailer
Wow... First off, I love cop shows. And having myself, worked a large part of my life around the clock, this sort of focus has special resonance with me. The cast looks to be a solid line up too. Can't wait
HKTV dramas so far are largely cop/investigation based ... this one has me intrigued @ "entirely filmed at night"
frankie lam.......o god....... He's one the few vets that i despised because he simply is so F-ing boring. Perhaps the storyline can save him.
So true, Frankie Lam is just a boring actor, I don't get a lot of emotion from him. This drama reminds me of an E.U movie...
Is that series good? Saw the trailer looks interesting, and yeah too much stuff to catch up with. TVB and HKTV!!!
Haha really dang...look like it had potential...ugh Borderline was good until the end...haven't checked out another HKTV series since then. And yeah Frankie's acting is a bit boring, so undecided if I should even spend my time on that series then.
well...in this serie,i guess he is acting like himself, no emotions lol.. I also watch it because it has some beauty related stuffs....but i tend to skip most part lol
play it in the background whilst doing other activities ... seems like the rest of us will be doing this Frankie is one of those actors that i'm actually not missing. he is boring in modern dramas and even more boring in ancient series...
none of you saw/are watching the plastic surgery/doctor series from hktv? that one is pretty good, much better than tvb crap... and frankie is giving a great performance.
that guys face is born ugly. lolz. i didn't know franklo lam was back w/ tvb? what is HK tv anyways? a spin off? frankie lams ear had like two ears.
Hidden Faces drama was okay la...Good enough to beat most of TVB's drama for 2015... I'm not a Frankie Lam fan but I do like his character in the super old Forensic Heroes drama and this new Hidden Faces. His personality is sarcastically honest and egoistic....Something different but you can say rather emotionless... LOL