HK girl group Super Girls recently went to Tinian Island, also known as one of the Mariana Islands to complete a photo shoot for an advert. Despite the weather temperature rising up to more than 30ºC, the girls didn't complain at all and was just treating the day's work as a enjoyable day out. Paired with the fantastic scenery and dressed in stunning blue of different cuts and lace, the results of the photo shoot was no doubt a success! ~~~ creds: mingpao ~~~ Apologies, there had to be one photo that was portrait ~ shinobi - This is for like them right?
The only one I know is Cheronna and of course I do cause she's from M Club No more acting gigs for her? Unbias comment, her shoot looked the best. Gave off a very nice summer feel, even though it's almost over. Followed by the girl who's holding the camera. Not liking the horse..
I'd rather just PS the whole horse out. Actually, I don't even know the name of the girls other than Cheronna so I only save her picture Jk i didn't
Tinian is also formerly known as the base from which the US launched the two Atomic Bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The island is still quite literally littered with hundreds of old battle sites which contains many unrecovered and or unidentified remains of both both Japanese and American combatants. It seems a shame that history has forgotten and it's now a tourist destination for HK celeb photo shoots. But I guess time marches on... B-29 Superfortress Bombers On Tinian
I don't recognize her here.. she was daughter of Carmen Lee in the series. I didn't know she was part of Super Girls She the top right one with the horse?
Still can't get over the fact that the one on the far right, those dresses make it look like one is preggo.
Another one. Small M Club reunion eh? Who's the girl on the left in your photo shinobi? xx->Cheronna->Heidi->Jeannie->Anjaylia Jeannie stands out with the pink