English Title: Momentary Lapse of Reason Chinese Title: 收規華 Genre: Pre-modern Producer: Fong Chun Chiu Episodes: 20 Cast: Tavia Yeung Louis Cheung Matt Yeung Rosina Lam Spoiler: Show Extended Cast Lau Kong Joe Tay Ching Hor Wai Amy Fan Timothy Cheng Akina Hong Candy Chang Wai Ka Hung Koo Koon Chung Au Hoi Ling Hugo Wong Lily Leung Lily Lee So Yan Chi Kitty Lau Liu Lai Lai Chuk Man Kwan Kitterick Yiu Gregory Lee Lau Tin Lung Andy Siu Chan Tik Hak Even Chan Li Man Fong Nicole Wan Janey Yan Synopsis Louis Cheung appears to be a cop who can easily betray his own dignity and accept bribes. While investigating a human trafficking case, he meets Tavia Yeung, a woman who has taken a vow of celibacy. Tavia and her friend, Lin Xia Wei, had been kidnapped when they were young, thus, they hate human traffickers. They equally hate corrupt public servants, with the exception of Louis's colleague, Matt Yeung, whose upright and honest character catches Tavia's eye and she even falls in love with him. Louis and Matt are initially polar opposites, but after Louis's acceptance of a bribe causes the death of a witness, it starts to touch his conscience. However, at the time, the police and the underworld each had their own unbreakable, unwritten laws. Matt is demoted amidst the power struggle of businessman Lau Kong and detective Timothy Cheng. It puts his relationship with Tavia to the test. Seeing all of this, Louis's heart aches, but all he can do is stay silently by Tavia's side and secretly hope that he can make up for his past mistakes... Videos
shinobi b-lee You know Louis isn't to be blamed for CHL2 failure. I'm not blaming him. I actually think Priscilla's character is a BITCH. I want to punch her , but this discussion belongs in the CHL thread.. ANYWAYS. Nice to see Rosina (Lin Xia Wei) getting a big role. Rooting for her! Pretty big role for Matt Yeung too.. I guess TVB wants to promote him too.
Glad to see this. Can never get enough of the republican era dramas. This was a period of China that lead to modernization while shucking the chains of an imperial past. Probably one of the most profound times in China and its a favorite of historians, but entertainment doesn't seem to think so, which is a real shame.
Louis play funny cop I like there is life after chl2 for him Jeff H! first ep isnt that bad will give it a week to see...
There was one actress that looked hella familiar.. but I couldn't recall where she was from. After looking at the wiki, I found out she was Candy Chang. You know, the girlfriend of Him Law in On Call 36. Always thought she was pretty decent in On Call, but that drug scandal (proved innocent) I guess really slowed her down. I definitely forgot about her for the past few years. She reps the Toronto pride too! Maybe if she does well here she can be promoted as an upcoming actress again, which I don't mind.
who dont know her she had weed scandel thats why tvb froze her for a bit cant find article on here but google shows...she was in a car and the guy driver had weed got busted she was good in Ghost Dragon of Cold Mountain too also a non-modern that had June too
shinobi When she isn't in modern dramas, you can't blame me for not remembering her Her first role was On Call I think.. which was pretty huge. She's pretty I didn't watch Ghost Dragon so it's refreshing to see her again on screen. Need to be in modern drama. She doesn't have instagram though :(
Momentary Lapse of Reason Ratings Episode 1-5 - 24 Points (-3) Episode 6 - 20 Points (-8) Episode 7 - 11 - 23 Points(-1) Episode 12 - 18 Points (+1) Episode 13 - 21 Points (+1)