The Walking Dead Season 6

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by ralphrepo, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    OK, Anyone watching this?

    Given the rare number of walkers in the last season, I knew somebody had to die in this episode (Carter, and he deserved it) and that there would have to be walkers. But boy... I never realized that there would be that many walkers; it's a regular Cecil B. Demille "cast of thousands" classic, LOL...

    One thing I don't get, why didn't they use cars to buttress behind the wall at that turn? In fact, cars can be easily moved into position, then filled with sand or dirt, making pretty strong fortifications which won't be easily toppled or moved, even by herds of walkers. One of the things that I've always bitched about is the lack of dead undead accumulation, which arguably would provide a line of defense for their human foes. If you kill five walkers, then you should have a wall of five walkers protecting you. That is, as walkers are killed, their bodies should drop and form an immediate barricade against other walkers arriving behind them. But television never ever shows that.
    #1 ralphrepo, Oct 12, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
  2. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    I enjoyed seeing all those walkers, that's what I been wanting to see, more zombies. But the plan to herd all those walkers seem to have flaws. Wondering who honked...dope!!!
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    So I guess Season 6 Ep 02 was a retelling of the story at Alexandria as it was synchronous with Ep 01; that is, as events of the season opener was unfolding, they likewise were unfolding at Alexandria.

    ...that while Rick et al were on the road, the people at home in Alexandria had some major issues with an invasion from a gang who called themselves the "Wolves." But one thing puzzles me; in the American south, the Wolves didn't have access to guns? LOL... With guns all over the place and most of the population dead, I'm sure they would have easily gotten their hands on firearms and ammunition as it has been more than two years since the start of the zombie apocalypse. So that part of the script doesn't even fly.

    Also, given that Rick was now in charge and had ordered the distribution of guns; why were the guns locked in the arms room? You would think that major characters like Carol would have at least a handgun on her, and I mean a handgun like a glock with several clips, not a six shooter revolver. Again, their easy penetration means that they weren't prepared, they had no secondary line of defense and could not hunker down in their houses. That is, once the outer wall was breached, they were defenseless and the entire place was compromised. They had no compound wide alarm warning either. In essence they were a vulnerable facility waiting to be taken over.

    Carol wins the Bad Ass of the Episode Award. She is meticulous and absolutely ruthless, doing what needed to be done. I loved the part where she blithely executes the Wolf member after Morgan had just finished trussing him up and making him no longer an immediate threat. Not so to Carol, who realized that he was someone who would always be a danger to them as long as he was alive. So she immediately took care of the problem and didn't think anything of it. She didn't apologize or explain herself, it was f*ck you if you don't like it, you don't have to, and that was f*cking that. The look on Morgan's face after she kills his prisoner was priceless.

    I was very surprised that Carl was almost killed by that Wolf, who tried to elicit sympathy from Carl after Carl had wounded him. Carl, based on his earlier performances, should've just shot him in the head. Instead, he hesitated and was almost killed. The big boss lady Deanna, showed herself to be nearly worthless. So was her son. Gabriel the preacher was likewise worthless.

    But one thing gets me, that given their experience and vulnerability, one would expect that each time they're not within their compound, each member would carry as least a basic load out of ammunition and water. So why did Marge only have a six shooter on her hip? You think she should have at least a rifle with several clips and a bottle of water for survival and a working radio.

    But, all in all the episode was action packed and fully showed why certain members are invaluable to their team.
    #3 ralphrepo, Oct 19, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    Ep02 answered my question...

    Carol was certainly a stone cold killer, do whatever it takes.
  5. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member


    <sob> Season 6 Episode 3 just came and went and I almost put my foot through the TV.

    ...<sob> Our beloved Glenn, may have bitten the dust. The episode ended with him falling onto the ground being clawed at by about a hundred walkers, as they're tearing intestines and other bloody entrails from his gut area. But I'm hoping that it was just a teaser to make us think that Glenn bought it. The rationale? Well, the guy that Glenn was with, panicked and committed suicide, shooting himself in the head. He then fell and dragged Glenn down with him. Now I'm thinking that the walkers are really eating that other guy and he's laying on top of Glenn, so our guy isn't bitten yet. I'm hoping next episode shows him crawling under the rolling garbage dumpster that they fell from. We can only hope. We can't lose our only Asian representative on TWD.

    Rick got problems of his own, nearly being killed by who knows who; he's set upon by hundreds of walkers that left the herd. In his effort to try to lead them away again, his camper stalls in the middle of the road and he can't get it started. His door is open, and hundreds of walkers are coming out of the woods onto the road.

    A stupid chicken shit character got his, but a really nice looking chick also got swarmed by a crowd of walkers when she fell.

    Daryl is riding around on his motor cycle for no apparent reason; Abe and Sasha are still leading the walkers out.

    Damn, I hope Glenn makes it... :facepalm:
  6. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    The way the scene was shot wasn't clear so I'm assuming Glenn made it out alive...hopefully.. :'(
  7. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Well, this is what a show producer said:

    "So I'll say this: In some way, we will see Glenn, some version of Glenn or parts of Glenn again, either in flashback or in the current story to help complete the story."


    Like we'll see Glenn come back as a walker like Merle? That's NOT what we want to hear
  8. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    Dam, I hope Glenn isn't really dead...

    But he survived longer than I expected when I first saw him...
    #9 EvilTofu, Oct 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    I was gutted when that guy shot himself and pushed his body weight onto Glenn. I just hope something happen so Glenn is alive. I love the way they executed's just so ambiguous. Anything can happen.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Well, given last weeks developments, it was interesting to see that many Americans have taken a certain Asian character as one of their viewership family.

    "OMG, they done killed Glenn... OMG..."

    #11 ralphrepo, Nov 2, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2015
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  11. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member


    Maggie is going to find him with all his guts hanging out. And she'll have to finish him off.
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Where did you see this? Can you cite a source or is this you personal speculation?
    • I was wondering about that too I was wondering about that too x 1
  13. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    lol .. just my sick personal speculation.
  14. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Seriously, I was doing a lot of thinking regarding 6-03...

    Given that the fence behind them was so close to the blue wall on the right; they should have been able to jump over to it, straddle it despite the razor wire, and then maneuvered to and then climb up onto the roof of the blue building. Also, how come they didn't just open the dumpster and jump in?

    But, being that it didn't happen that way, it's rather moot. However, looking at one of these shots, one can see that Glenn should easily be able to crawl underneath the dumpster. That is, if the walkers really hadn't ripped him to shreds.

    As for Ep 6-04? The story of what happened to Morgan? Meh... After 6-03, I didn't really care...

    Attached Files:

    #15 ralphrepo, Nov 7, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
  15. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Ok, so despite Ep 6-03 still being on my mind, we have to move on...

    recalling to a hidden Wolves prisoner how he learned Aikido from a former prison psychiatrist (Eastman) who had himself, became a murderer and then an avowed pacifist. The story details how Morgan finally became sane again with Eastman's assistance, but how a moment's hesitation on his part then cost his new found friend and martial arts master his life. The episode ends with Morgan walking out from a basement in Alexandria, locking the door behind him but not revealing to others the presence of a captured member of the Wolves raiding party.

    After 6-03's only partially successful turning of the Walker Herd, Alexandria becomes surrounded by thousands of walkers, but Rick made it back in. Deanna, the old useless hag of a leader, finally realizes her foolhardiness and tells Rick he's the leader that they all need. Rick also meets up with Jessie (the widow who's husband he had killed) and puts the ole lip lock on her. Jessie is showing herself to being more and more self reliant, fearless and resourceful. She nonchalantly dispatches an Alexandria resident suicide turned walker and then tells others that in order to survive, they have to accept their new reality and learn to live with it, or else they will die.

    Tara, the lesbian who had survived an alliance with the Governor, and then was saved by Glenn, gets into some tongue action with Denise, the chubby lady doctor. The lady doctor finds a way to suck out pus from an infected wound from the guy brought back by Michione, implying that she had saved the patient when his heart rate immediately returns to normal (note: in the real world, treating sepsis like this would take hours and with many doses of antibiotics along with massive infusion of IV fluids before someone can be normalized).

    Maggie gears up with the intent to go out through a secret tunnel (revealed by Aaron) in order to look for Glenn, but in the end she gives up after finally coming to terms with what an impossible task it really is and that she is likely never going to get the luxury of knowing what happened to her husband. She admits to Aaron that she is pregnant. Aaron admits that his desire to look for others had inadvertently caught the attention of the Wolves, and was what had brought their murderous visitation upon Alexandria.

    Deanna's coward son, Spencer, is shown to be a conniving self serving bastard. At the end, the structural integrity of the outer perimeter wall is weakening hinted at as a dark ooze is seen seeping through a small hole. Like I've stated all along, they should be strengthening and reinforcing that wall by placing heavy earth against it. Further, they should also be hardening each of their individual houses against zombie incursion, along with creation of perimeter zones so that one breach does not risk exposing the entire compound.

    One of the things I don't understand is where do the dead zombies disappear to? That is, when you kill a walker by lobotomizing it, what happens? They should drop to the floor as they can no longer animate without an intact brain. Therefore, by standing at the gate, defenders can literally create a wall of dead walkers simply by poking a sharp stick through the fence. But, in the show, these dead walkers simply disappear and their physical bulk is never allowed to accumulate and be used as a defensive asset.

    Missing in action this week; Carol, Darryl, Sasha, Abraham and of course <sob> ...Glenn. Oh, and MIA also is Father Gabriel, but he's such an A-hole that if anyone sees him, just chuck him over the wall... Still unanswered is whether Morgan will reveal the Wolves prisoner to the others.
    #16 ralphrepo, Nov 9, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2015
  16. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    I read that Glenn's name was removed from the last two episodes....:sad:
    #17 b-lee, Nov 10, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2015
  17. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    According to this web article, actors may stay on the credits even after they're confirmed as dead. IMHO, I'm hoping that by removing Steven Yuen's name so soon, they're purposely driving the speculation that he's dead when he's really not


    OK, ep 6-06 came and went. Interesting, but still no news on the most important character of the show.

    ...getting social and hinting that they're going to get closer. but one thing that is almost impossible; that Abe finds a box of RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades). The kind that Abe finds are of Russian and Chinese design and have been popularized throughout the world. However, the US military doesn't use them (though that may change in the future). Instead US military ordinance uses the M72 LAW (Light Anti-tank Weapon).

    Daryl remains a bad ass, even if he's taken a much more human side and it's getting him into trouble.

    Still no news on Glenn... <sob>
    #18 ralphrepo, Nov 11, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
    • Informative Informative x 1
  18. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    Right at the end of the episode someone radios in saying "Help.." it may be Glenn :shocked:
  19. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Right you are, I never thought about that. Immediately after reading your comment, I went back to that ep and reviewed that part. It didn't seem so, but who knows...