English Title: Lord of Shanghai Chinese Title: 梟雄 Genre: Pre-Modern Producer: Amy Wong Episodes: 32 Cast: Anthony Wong Wayne Lai Kent Tong Myolie Wu Kenneth Ma Louisa So Ron Ng Synopsis: In a time when Shanghai was controlled by the merciless warlords, sworn brothers Kiu Ngo Tin (Anthony Wong) and Kung Siu San (Wayne Lai) have to rely on each other. Together, the ruthless Siu San and the cunning Ngo Tin create a world of their own, but in order stay on top, Ngo Tin has no choice but to leave his past behind completely, including his confidant and true love Ku Siu Lau (Myolie Wu), a Peking opera apprentice. Ngo Tin gets the attention of casino boss Yiu Gwai Sang (Alice Chan), who recommends him to her husband Kam Tong (Kent Tong), Shanghai’s most powerful tycoon. Along with Siu San, Ngo Tin and Kam Tong become legendary figures in Shanghai, dominating all lands of The Bund. But a single city cannot accommodate three leaders; Siu San and Kam Tong enter a battle for power, creating havoc in Shanghai. Ngo Tin uses this opportunity to suppress both of them, becoming the sole leader of China’s largest port city, controlling the police and the underground triads on both fronts. Amidst the glitz and the glamour, Shanghai enters a period of chaos when the Japanese Empire starts making moves to attack the city. To protect his people and the country, Ngo Tin donates his wealth and time to deflect the Japanese. But Siu San, in an attempt to save himself, becomes a traitor and works for the Japanese army. For his people, Ngo Tin has no choice but to forsake his family loyalty, and destroy everyone in his way. Airing October 26th replacing Captain Destiny 張保仔
Waynes really good in this so far whats with Anthony voice in this is this Shanghainese accent so far so good living up to series of the year
so far so good, funny of the 4 award presentation dramas, so far this one starts out the best, kinda sad tbh, and just my opinion probably the best storyline among the 4 as well
i wouldnt trust my kids around him. hes a blatant pervert with pot hole skin. the look of his face too makes it more creepy
to represent anthony wong's character. voice doesn't change. there is no way kenneth was able to emulate anthony's voice.
Lord Of Shanghai Ratings Episode 1 to 5 = 25 (-1, peaking at 27) Episode 6 = 18 (-3) Episode 7 to 11 = 26 (+1, peaking at 28) Episode 12 = 19 (+1) Episode 13 = 22 (-1)
I enjoyed Kenneth's part of the drama. I probably would have preferred him through the entire drama instead of Anthony but I would have never thought he could pull off a role like that to begin with.
was going to say the flashback parts is the best of the series.....builds the characters up nicely....how ant and wayne became friends
I think this is one of the best when compared to the other Hiu Hung trilogy. The first one by Wayne was what shot him to fame, the 2nd one was meh in my opinion. In this series, the 3 lords was portrayed perfectly to the point where I don't see those roles interchangeable by either of the 3 actors. I felt they started out strong and ended it strong as well.