Chinese Researchers Invent Mind-Controlled Car!

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by shinobi, Dec 10, 2015.

  1. Chinese researchers have developed a brain-controlled car and hope the technology could one day make life easier for disabled drivers. The team from Nankai University has been working on the project for two years, and claims it is a world’s first, Reuters reports. While wearing a device that reads the EEG (electroencephalogram) signals from the brain, a researcher demonstrated how he can move the car forward and backward, stop it, and both lock and unlock the doors with just his thoughts from the back seat.
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  2. Sherry

    Sherry Well-Known Member

    It looks very nice but it might be dangerous. If the car is getting into an accident, what will the mind think? Also, the reflex of disable people can be less develop than normal drivers.....And what if you are not concentrated? like shinobi who has a ham sup mind? LOL
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. my car will run over everyone lose control
    • Win! Win! x 1
  4. Sherry

    Sherry Well-Known Member

    Please BAN SHINOBI , dangerous driver spotted
  5. Nerf_wars

    Nerf_wars Active Member

    This is good for the disabled. Also the real benefit is understanding how the mind works. Autonomous driven cars is already a thing. I don't just mean the google car. Baidu has its own now.