Currently still usin the DNS beginning with 49... after the last round of issues, I changed it for them and haven't changed it back
I am new in this . I upgraded the firmware of my box to 5.60, it works fine in Canada . Except my sister is living in USA, I upgraded hers and I think you know the rest of it. I saw posting that other folks tried to change DNS in USA, they got their boxes locked out for restricted use. I think that your solution for using open VPN is likely the best solution for now. Would you tell me how about to do that ? I am just interested to do that in the box not the router. Thanks a lot. Naru
Download the following and put it into a USB Flash stick and plug it into your TVPad4 Download Link: Download: batchinstall.banana and the apk file you see with the word openvpn and put them in the root of an USB flash stick. Something should open up and ask you what you want to install. Hope it helps Also of course you need a VPN service as well.
There might be other ways of doing it but the way I did it was installing the VPN app into my tvpad4. Of course you will still need a working VPN service. I am not sure how stable are the free ones. From this link it shows that VPN Unlimited is $19 USD for 3 years. that doesn't seem too bad. What your sister need is download the following from this link: batchinstall.banana TVPad 4 Apps Pack 1 (for 5.06 FW) 23 apps.rar When you extract the Apps there is a batchinstall.banana file in there already, you can delete that one. Put all the files into the root of the USB Flash stick and plug into tvpad and install them. DNS remains auto. Store is not accessible but who cares, majority of the apps are already there. Using OpenVPN requires you to import a profile. I am not sure how does VPN Unlimited works with getting that information. If you do proceed, you can message me and I can do my best to help you with as much as I can. Hope this information helps.
thanks for that information and for the reply...I'm currently experimenting with raspberry pi, so far so good
Fill me in. I have a raspberry pi just sitting here, not sure what to do with it. So you said you're experimenting with raspberry pi but how or what do you do to get it to watch tvbs?
hey there I just did a very simple install if your raspberry pi comes with a pre-installed SD card, it probably have either of the following, raspbian (Linux based OS) or other OS installers...mine came with Raspbian by default but has other OS installers -I reinstalled it using OpenELEC which is the media center also built around Linux. -I installed superrepo (where you will install apps) -after installing superrepo, you can download video-add ons -navigate to video -> add ons -> add more -> search for and drama24h, so far they all the new HK dramas and some old ones. hope this helps
Seems like bad news for people with TVPad 1, 2, and 3...
These assholes better give a fat discount. I can't stand them. I've talked to their customer support before and they are absolutely useless.
^ well if that's true.. that's totally ghey.. would not buy tvpad 4.. considering the numerous issues they've had... if they force users of TVPAD 1,2 & 3 then it's time to give something else a try
what do you expect from a chinese company for customer support? There don't seem to be much options left for streaming boxes or not that well known.. Only TVpad and Moonbox. If you don't need live streaming, just for drama playback, you could just use vChannel app + the feed (link/source) or use a tablet/computer and use websites to playback recorded shows.