"The Mermaid" - 《美人魚》is an upcoming lunar new year movie directed by Stephen Chow(周星馳) and will star Show Luo (羅志祥) , Lin Yun(林允), Deng Cao(鄧超), Zhang Yuqi (張雨綺) and Kris Wu (吴亦凡) . It is scheduled to be released on February 9th. Stephen Chow has invited all members of the public for a free ride on the Star Ferry on this coming Monday 11th January. The free journey will be open all day and will be travelling to and from Tsim Sha Tsui and Central. Members that attend will have the chance to win tickets for the movie itself and also a limited edition movie card. Stephen Chow, Show Luo and Lin Yun will be making surprise appearances and will join the public on the rides. ~~ cred: oncc
I was thinking that too, are they all mainland stars? Never heard of any of them, and not worth my time to google them haha. At least upcoming HK stars would be nice...
Reminds me of this question. Which would you rather have? A girl with human top and fish bottom, or fish top with human bottom.
Show Luo - Taiwanese singer/host/actor ( nickname is Siu Ju) Kris Wu - Ex-EXO member (Kpop) Zhang Yuqi - chinese actress (teacher in CJ7) Deng Cao - Chinese actor ( Coldblood in The Four movies) Dunno who the other girl is LOL
Cantonese trailer: New trailer (Mandarin only, Cantonese version not out yet): Deng Chao is the most popular member of Chinese Running Man and stars in a lot of movies. Show Luo is a pretty popular Taiwanese singer/actor/host. Main girl Lin Yun is a noob and this is her first movie. Zhang Yuqi, the chick from CJ7. Kris Wu is actually only a cameo but he's a singer/actor/fashion icon (closed the Burberry fashion show as a runway model at London Fashion Week a few days ago and is going to be in the new Luc Besson movie costarring Cara Delevingne and Rihanna). Considering the new actors in HK movie industry right now, I'd say this cast is a hell of a lot better than having some some leng mo's or mediocre young actors like Him Law