Actress Aimee Chan (陳茵微) attended a public event wearing a bright red tube dress earlier this week. The 34-year-old is currently six-months pregnant with her third child with husband and fellow actor Moses Chan (陳豪). “I have no idea if it’s going to be a boy or a girl,” Aimee shared. “We’ll be able to know next week. It likes to hide from us,” she said with a smile. As Aimee already has two boys, does her third pregnancy feel different? “It’s just as difficult! To be honest, I focused more of my energy on my first and second. Now that I’m in my third [pregnancy], I felt that time has passed by much quicker.” Aimee said she is due in May, and like her two sons, she will delivery naturally. Having three babies in three years is definitely not an easy feat, but Aimee has come to appreciate what it means to have children close in age. “My two sons play together. They like to make each other laugh. Although they’re still talking in baby gibberish, it makes me so happy to see them get along like that. It’s all worth it.” Do her sons want a younger brother or younger sister? “They’re still too young to understand that. I’m looking forward to the third one. It’s going to be busy. Let’s stop at three. I still want to work.” Is Aimee announcing that she will no longer be having more kids? “At the moment, yes. It’s tiring.” Creds: Oncc