TVB’s period comedy drama Short End of the Stick <公公出宮> will be premiering on February 9, 2016, the second day of the Lunar New Year. The drama stars The Confidant <大太監> actors Wayne Lai (黎耀祥), Edwin Siu (蕭正楠), Power Chan (陳國邦), and Raymond Cho (曹永廉) as expelled imperial eunuchs struggling to live a normal life during the Republican era of China. The fun comedy also stars John Chiang (姜大衛), Nancy Wu (胡定欣), Natalie Tong (唐詩詠), and Rosina Lam (林夏薇). Short End of the Stick kick started its promotion tour yesterday when the cast made a public appearance at Tseung Kwan O. Though television ratings usually suffer a dip during the Lunar New Year holidays, Wayne said he and his costars will stay put to watch the premiere episode on Tuesday together. Nonetheless, Wayne expressed that he is not at all worried about the guaranteed fall in ratings on premiere week. “If you want to watch it, you’ll watch it. If you don’t want to, you won’t,” he said with a laugh. “The ratings are definitely going to be low. Actually, maybe not. The economy has been bad this year. Maybe we’ll break ratings. You never know.” How many points does Wayne hope Short End of the Stick would achieve? “Let’s hope it won’t fall under 20 points!” Remarking that his expectations are very low, he said, “Yes. My target is 20 points!” What if ratings really did fall below 20 points? Wayne laughed and said, “I’ll quit! I’ll take the blame and resign! Cancel my contract!” Creds: Oncc
I can't believe Espresso actually wrote something positive for once and not baseless shit talking and insults.
Always spoke with heart. hahaha. mai bad. It's just the usual fans not having a mind of their own. For what it's worth, ... You and everyone else reads the same stuff. Just trynna.... Well.... Honestly, people who defend HK and TVB will know. Do you defend Calgary or London?
Often times when you have nothing better or positive to say, then don't say it. Do you talk shit behind everyone's back just because you dislike them or even feel indifferent about them in real life? I bet you do. I don't defend Calgary or London, but I don't talk shit about it either because I don't know much about the two cities. Just like how you don't know much about TVB artists themselves but make accusations to degrade them. I sure bet if I read the gossip magazines, the reporters/journalists says crew members are trying to kill the actors/actress. Definitely not baseless at all!!
You can't take everything you read as the truth though. If you feel like it was accidental, then okay, but you can't deplore others for feeling otherwise. Anyway. Happy Chinese New Year.!