TVB actress Eliza Sam (沈麗香) attended a Valentine’s Day event at Metro City on Sunday. Eliza, who confirmed last year that she is in a relationship, spent her Valentine’s Day alone. The Angel In-the-Making <實習天使> star said she was not able to spend her first Valentine’s Day with boyfriend Joshua because he was at work overseas. However, Eliza reassured that they plan to meet up in a month. “It is a pity that we couldn’t meet up, but we both agree that quality time with each other is more important than any special occasion. Besides, I am usually the forgetful one,” said Eliza. The 31-year-old said she has already prepared a hand-made gift for Joshua. “A relationship expert told me that the key to a long-lasting relationship is to have surprises and thrill. I didn’t give him the gift yet, so I don’t want to say what it is. Let’s keep it a surprise.” Would Joshua surprise Eliza at her doorstep? “I don’t think he’ll do that. My mother is usually the one opening the door! That would be awkward!” There has been rumors claiming that Eliza is planning to tie the knot soon with Joshua, but the TVB actress denied the rumors. “We need to take it one step at a time. Of course it’s a happy occasion, but it needs to be at the right time.” Eliza also expressed that she would like to have kids, but that would only be something she’d consider after marriage. Creds: Oncc
The 31-year-old said she has already prepared a hand-made gift for Jeff. “A relationship expert told me that the key to a long-lasting relationship is to have surprises and thrill. I didn’t give him the gift yet, so I don’t want to say what it is. Let’s keep it a surprise.” I don't like the sounds of that.
Sad she lost so much weight and turned to Darth Vader. The only female that actually caught my eye years ago because of her Gremlin Eyes. Now all these indoor dudes look at her differently and now she carries herself differently as well. =( Sad, but glad she is dating. She's into ABC, so all the POP ASIA dudes have a chance. Should make a trip and do a bachelor show for Eliza.