English Title: My Dangerous Mafia Retirement Plan Chinese Title: 火線下的江湖大佬 Genre: Modern/Triad Producer: Leung Choi Yuen Episodes: 25 Cast: Kent Cheng Kingdom Yuen Tommy Wong Alice Chan Eliza Sam Matt Yeung Joel Chan Synopsis: Ho Kei Song and Lau Cheuk Nam have grown from childhood best friends to becoming the most powerful ma a bosses. They have been through thick and thin together for all these times. After Lau Cheuk Nam is locked up in prison for killing a cop, he entrusts his mistress So Yau Lam to Ho Kei Song. The two end up getting married to each other without Lau Cheuk Nam's knowledge. Afterward, Ho Kei Song steps down from being a ma a boss to become a restaurateur, living a simple quiet life with his sister-in-law So Yau Miu and his daughter from previous marriage Ho Foon Sum. Unexpectedly, Lau Cheuk Nam is released from prison early and seeks refuge from Ho Kei Song. This sudden turn of event not only puts their brotherhood to the test but also wrecks daughter Ho Foon Sum's relationship with her boyfriend Liu Sau Gei. With Ho Kei Song's family falling apart, Lau Cheuk Nam tries to convince him to make a comeback together. Out of no where, Ho Kei Song's ex-wife Yip Fong Fei resurfaces once again after disappearing for many years to reveal a big secret, which drags everyone into an escalating ma a feud..... Airing April 25th replacing The Last Healer in Forbidden City Theme Trailer
Kingdom Yuen, damn...she still got it, still funny as hell...I haven't laughed so hard in a while, borderline tears...the scene where she gets into an accident to the hospital back home, those scenes were golden
I dont think they touched on it but I'm are assuming Alice Chan is Eliza's mom? if so she still looks like the step mom role lol