Donnie Yen Transform His Body for Hollywood Movie

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, May 17, 2016.

  1. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    so a few gets caught and everyone is using steroids? Hedo and Rashard Lewis didn't even have that big of a body transformation. Most basketball players don't even weight train during the season. Most players train during the off season, that is where they train to gain mass, or to lose weight. Using steroids doesn't transform your body overnight. One always assume a big guy or a decent muscular guy is always on juice, whether or not that is true, if you use steroids you still gotta put in the work. Of course there are many negative side effects of using steroids like roid rage or severe acne depending on some. Do some athletes use steroids, yes of course, I'd say a big percentage does. But I don't assume everyone does it, I don't watch basketball or football and that guy's on steroids. I appreciate their talent they bring to the table. You also need to realize, most of these athletes have professional trainers to transform their bodies. People who are very knowledgeable in this field, and most of them has degrees in this. So anyone who goes through any major transformation are using steroids? What sense does that make, let's not talk about professional athletes for a second, most of your argument is big == juicing, you assumed Donnie is juicing when in fact, Donnie isn't even close to being the biggest guy in most gyms. So the people at my gym who are bigger than me all juiced? the kid at my gym can squat 500 lb, and can deadlift 580, and his bench press is 315. Those are elite numbers for a kid his age, who do you know that can even do that amount of weight? He's probably juicing too isn't he. Another friend of mine, college roommate actually, captain of the football team, as a freshmen weighed 140, by his sophomore season he is 170. He doesn't look fat, but within a year he racked up 30 lbs, muscle and fat of course, but he looks shredded as fuck. He must be juicing too. Most athletes has been training their whole lives to be on the professional stage. LeBron James entered the league at around 230 - 240 lbs, and probably closer to 250 lb now, but him coming out of high school he wasn't exactly what he looked today. In his 13 year career he has gained a lot of muscle mass. Regardless if you think he is juicing or not, he still gotta put in the work. If you don't put in the work, no amount of steroids will help you. Using steroid does give you a competitive edge, but we're not talking about day and night here. The competitive edge is probably minimal. This isn't Shaolin Soccer when you use steroids you suddenly become superman. Now back to the the question to Dwight and Whiteside, are they juicing? probably, probably not. They're big, but just cuz they're big doesn't mean they are juicing. And even if they are juicing to gain a competitive edge, they're probably doing a bad job at it because Dwight historically since being traded from the Magics has had injury problems. Whiteside didn't really have that much of a body transformation anyways! His body is pretty proportionate if you ask me, so I don't know what body transformation you're talking about? Skinny dude to big dude? He wasn't a twig to begin with when he was drafted by the Kings. He put on muscle sure, but that's also what happens initially when you already have a low body fat% and when you pick up your first weight and continue training your metabolism will shoot right up. If anyone ever lifts before, everyone remembers the first time they lifted how much they ate initially. Hell, when I first lifted I was a mere 140 lbs, I am now 180. My first year lifting, and trying different programs, I was constantly eating and I was constantly hungry. Your body burns through energy so fast because it's not used to the sudden change in calorie consumption. So a lot of skinny guys are more likely to see a gain in muscle mass quicker than most, likewise a lot of overweight people are more likely to see weight loss when they first train because their body simply cannot get used to the sudden change of energy consumption.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  2. ailyeric

    ailyeric Well-Known Member

    It's no use arguing with espresso man. he or she just hating on anything that's posted here. anyone ever exercise or lift weight knows it's not hard to get big like donnie yen.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    We know you're juicing it up too xaznxryux just by your profile pic ;) Kidding!
    • Win! Win! x 1
  4. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member


    Its fair to assume and suggest that these athletes were/are juicing their bodies though. Remember Ray Lewis‘ broken arm that super bowl year? Or how about Barry Bonds, or Adrian Peterson coming off that ACL recovery.

    The stuff you mention is just a toss up though, with you being reluctant to accept the idea that such practices are more frequent than not. You rather refuse the notion by supplementing obvious ideas like having professionals training available, etc. At the time, no one was willing to suspect Lance Armstrong or Marion Jones. But look at them now?

    I think it is fair to suspect, especially if its such a common affair. But also realize that juicing is just one form. There are a lot of intakes not allowed like HGH, supplements, testosterone boosters, blood transfusions, etc. We‘re not just talking about Whey protein or Creatine or Steroids here.

    Whiteside and Dwight defintely had major transformations IMO. While the physical appearances may not be the best indicator as you have mentioned, it seems like the most obvious and practical one. Dwights physical appearance and focus didn‘t translate into much.
  5. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member


    it isnt easy, especially due to biological and genetic differences, which was also mentioned in the article.

    the lift heavy, whey protein, shaker bottle, creatine is just an inside joke to gym rats, because heavy lifting leads to mass.

  6. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    You seem to paint a very negative picture on every athlete you see. Do you watch sports for the sake of seeing who looks like they are using PED/HGH? Or do you watch sports for the sake of hating an athlete because of certain morale values like...LeBron being as asshole most of the time? Idk about most people, but I watch sports because I love the sport and I play the sport and I competed at one point. I'm also one of those people that like to assume the person is innocent until proven guilty regardless of what I think about them. With that said, besides the obvious ones that are caught, the other ones you mentioned are totally based on your assumption of how steroids work, but in fact a lot of them has not been caught once, and most of them has gone through multiple drug screenings, including Ray Lewis. Now I am also not denying they may or may not have used steroids in the offseason, but it really seems like you are demonizing people that does. Adrian Peterson you mentioned had a NORMAL recovery from an ACL tear. You know the common recovery time table after surgery is 8 - 12 months right? He did just that, and not to mention a lot of athletes in the professional worlds are freaks of nature to begin with. Or how about the Vikings also deployed good play sets that allowed Peterson to succeed. Especially for a game like football, one man certainly cannot do it all. Had his team sucked at blocking, Peterson probably wouldn't have the comeback season he had. Matter fact, my idol the Rock, has publicly said he has used steroids before, I don't lose respect for him, hell I have TONS of respect for him. Does he still use? probably? but you can let me know the next time you wake up at 5 in the morning to get a good pump for 2 hours, just to return 8 hours later to do some more. Steroids or not, the Rock puts in a lot of work to achieve most of what he looks like today. And for the love of god, I am really starting to hate hearing the "it's not him/her, it's genetics". I've been lifting long enough to know most people who say that don't get off their lazy ass and train. Most people train for a few days, few weeks to even a few months and quit because they don't see the results they want to see, when in fact, most people labeled "on steroids, non-natty" has been working out the right way with the right diet for decade(s). Most people I even follow for workout tips are probably labeled by your definition "juicing". Hell, I'll even take a step further, let's allow the use of HGH/PEDs for professional athletes and then we can really show the world, that using steroids really doesn't make you superman, it just gives you a boost and that all that is. And most of these so called "banned" substance is retarded to begin with, among them are testosterone boosters, most people do realize these are natural hormones in the body right...Using them just helps you get it faster really. You know what else has really good testosterone? egg yolks! And to be completely honest, if you really think Dwight and Whiteside has huge body transformations, you definitely need to hit the gym more and see how people there are actually lifting. People who are serious at lifting and are focus usually have a laundry list of to-dos in their daily routines in which most bodybuilders, probably work out 5-6 times a week, and most likely advanced body builders work out twice a day. And no we do not just do bench press and curls. You think we just sit at a gym bench pressing for half an hour 6x a week and just leave? And just to summarize, steroids isn't a holy/godly potion that transforms you overnight nor will it provide superpowers nor will it provide a HUGE competitive edge. Legalize it! I say if you want to take the risk of using something that gives you a small amount of competitive edge while the possibly of future health issues I say go for it! It's like marijuana, you're not harming anyone, and it's not like it's any less safer than smoking or drinking alcohol! (you drink alcohol right?), if you want to do it, I say go for it, and if you do something stupid, then it's on you! If you use steroids and you feel it's working but in 10-20 years, your balls shrink or your back starts growing acne, I say that's on you too. I ain't hating, you do what you gotta do.
    #26 xaznxryux, May 25, 2016
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
  7. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    you know it, I use it religiously...actually, my friend shot a video of me recently using it

    • Win! Win! x 1
  8. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    he got me when he said big guys like Donnie Yen cannot touch his face. I'm hurt :cry2:
  9. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    You seem to defend sports figures by a lot, as well as muscular dudes and pro performance enhancements. I get it. But you are unwilling to accept another POV, but it‘s okay because at least you spent the time sharing your opinion.

    You did how however make a full circle point about what I had initially mentioned, by suggesting Whiteside and Dwight as being big, but not big enough. These athletes and figures train for a purpose. It wouldn‘t necessarily be good for Dwight to bulk up to what you consider big. But his whole issue was that he lacked an offensive game, despite his phsique growing bigger. He grew his deltoids and aesthetics, but didn‘t grow his game. Whiteside only started making news, so we will see how that goes as well. This was similiar to what Donnie did. Obviously it was for his movie, but he was never like that during his martial arts career and with good reason.

    A lot of people dislike LBJ, and it could be because he‘s a jerk by overstepping Blatt, or needing a vacation for some championship game, or trying to film his Decision. Doesn‘t have to be HGH or Roid related. But to swing back to the ACL thing. You have got to be kidding me if you thought AP was able to come back with that type of performance with out enhancing himself. Look at other types of injuries for other athletes like a Nerlens Noel or Jabari.

    I know where you stand, but that doesn‘t mean your views or my views are wrong. I just think its quite easy to suspect an individual using enhancements since its so common place. I think its fair and not far fetched given how widely used these substances have been available.
  10. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    you seem to trash sports figures a lot as well, and as well as anyone who you deem is too big to be normal so they must be using steroids! I guess the same thing can be said about you and most would agree. But most of your arguments seems to be - most if not all athletes use steroids, and if they are too big in my eyes, they have to use some sort of banned substance, which really doesn't make a lot of sense. Your rebuttal seems to be pointing out athletes that has been caught and then applying it to other athletes who you think MUST be using steroids, which I am not totally disagreeing with you, some may, but I don't make it seem it's the end of the world here like you are. Most of your arguments has been "big guy big guy big guy, steroids steroids steroids", with little to no proof, I would expect you to start listing symptoms of steroids abuse like "roid rage" in which most people already associated Blake Griffin to have had when he punched out his equipment coach. Was he actually on steroids? probably, probably not but hey innocent until proven guilty right, for all I care, they could've made him take a drug test - yes he did, suspend him, no he didn't move on. And to be honest, I am quite surprised of all athletes you named that were not caught, you have not once mentioned Blake Griffin. Or other known symptoms like severe acne, shrunken testicals, erectile dysfunction. See those are symptoms which will make me think they are probably using steroids and abusing it, and not just by looking at his mere frame. I have MANY friends in the kineseology field, from personal trainers to physical therapists and most would agree, it's hard to tell who is on and who is off without testing for symptoms and using someone's body frame to judge whether or not they use it is a poor way to do it. And Donnie Yen never looked big in his older days? I've been a Donnie Yen fan since i was a kid, wanna name movies that goes far back? Once upon a time in China II? Tiger Cage? Fist of Fury? I can name more, and most of those 90s and 80s movies he was involved in he was most likely one of the biggest guy on the set. Even in his competing martial arts day he wasn't a twig, and you can also argue yes he did indeed gained some bulk from his martial arts day to his entertainment days, but we are talking about minimal gains over the years to look like what he looks like today. Now tell me, what makes you feel Donnie Yen was using steroids just because after he decided to join the entertainment business? So he can look shredded as fuck in front of the cameras? Well you don't need steroids for that! How about Chris Hemsworth preparing for Thor? or Christian Bale for Batman when he was already involved in the Machinist and of course dropping the weight again in the Fighter just to gain them back in Dark Knight Rises? he must be juicing because of all the weight gains and loss in such short amount of time. O and my FAVORITE muscle guy in movies, Tom Hardy in Warrior and Bane in Dark Knight, two different body frames? he on steroids too? And of course I believe AP is possibly NOT on steroids when coming back from an ACL tear. Again, I am not saying he is or is not, I am merely saying I believe he could do it without using it. Have you ever torn your ACL before. I've played with many athletes, I have MANY teammates in the past tearing their ACL/MCL and came back 8-12 months and played again, while we are not professional athletes, give us credit that we too can sometimes be our own freaks of nature against some competition. I have friends STILL able to dunk after his ACL repair. You don't lose that shit that easily. If you do your physical therapy and god help you, you don't get fat during your healing process, yes you can return to the court and play. Not to mention, if you play sports, besides your physical tools, what else is the most important besides training and consistency? it is your confidence, and also passion for the game. It sounds cheesy but anyone who remotely competed in a high level competition will know. If you love the game, you'd sacrifice your body over and over again for it. I have friends who tore their ACL twice...also let's talk about ACL tears. How bad is the tear? how severe is the tear? How deep is it? How was the repair? what was taken out? what was replaced? Let's not name superstar athletes but some all-stars or probably below, Rajon Rondo tore his ACL and came back in 11 months, had minute restrictions but as the season went by he started regaining form. It's not impossible for a player to regain form quickly. Not Rondo is not the biggest freak of nature but hey 11 months is really not that long away from 8 months. And Nerlen Noel and Jabari are having SOLID seasons so far. Noel being a pretty darn good defensive player while Parker is still considered a corner piece and player to the Bucks. Again, we're also not comparing those athletes, because it's really not the same, AP is definitely a better athlete and in much better shape than Parker, but even when you compare players, you have to take account how severe was the ACL tear, their height, their weight, and finally their rehab. So you cannot believe there is even an ounce of possibility AP could done it with focus and determination to return to the football field? Again I am not arguing if he is using or not, I am arguing if I believe there could be a possibility of him not using it to come back, ABSOLUTELY. I'm an evidence guy, even if I believe the guy did it, I always decide on the side of evidence and proof. Show me legit proof, that he/she is doing something banned and illegal and I will act on it.
  11. ailyeric

    ailyeric Well-Known Member

    it's not hard at all. u just have to be consistent. i bulked up 15lbs of muscle within 6 months. just lift and ab workouts.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    It could be hard to get that body if you are 30+ with no athletic background or have never lifted but in Donne Yen's case he grew up with wushu. I HIGHLY doubt he uses PEDs, that's just a ridiculous assumption / hater mentality, he isn't even that ripped compared to actual roiders. :sleeping2:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. KeNNy

    KeNNy Well-Known Member

    Billy that sounds like me!!
    Can't get rid my stomach -_-
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. StephyLee

    StephyLee Active Member

    I got a chance to meet up with him while he was filming Xxx3. It was a fun experience.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. KeNNy

    KeNNy Well-Known Member

    were you a KLF?