English Title: Between Love and Desire Chinese Title: 完美叛侶 Genre: Modern Producer: Au Yiu Hing Episodes: 20 Cast: Moses Chan Maggie Shiu Ben Wong Rachel Kan Roxanne Tong Synopsis: After reaching a point of no return in his life, Ngo Pak-yin (Moses Chan 陳豪) grows power-hungry. Through his aggression and strict grasp of the law, Pak-yin paves his way to become one of Hong Kong’s top solicitors. But power often leads to blindness. Pak-yin becomes ruthless and inconsiderate of others, leading to his wife Rebecca Tsang Bo-lam (Maggie Shiu 邵美琪), who had quietly supported him through the years, to grow more distant. She realizes that they no longer share the same values, and is heartbroken. During this time, she grows closer to Patrick Lui Wing-hang (Ben Wong 黃智賢), who opens up a window in her inner world. Patrick is also a solicitor, but he is neither as famous nor as abled as her husband. Despite these setbacks, Rebecca falls in love with Patrick, who seems to be the only person who can fulfill her troubled heart. She makes the executive decision to leave her husband, but is suddenly attacked by a mysterious man. She suspects that Pak-yin had hired someone to attack her. Pak-yin’s life is at an impasse once again. Finally realizing his wrongdoings, Pak-yin decides to change for the better. But this time, he’s changing while carrying a heart of gold. Airing July 4th replacing Presumed Accidents 純熟意外
watch the first episode, i'm loving it.... Moses is so good with these friggin roles, lol. I like him more and more now as an actor. MAggie in this is a plus. She's friggin pretty. I LOVE OLDER WOMEN!!!!
Yeah she is. Glad to see some of the veterans coming back like Maggie. Prefer her over a lot of these newer actresses.
she was in Executioner aired not too long ago ancient drama not bad for a small filler series like this one lol check it out if you a true maggie fan
this series is GOOD! Outstanding acting from the casts especially the veterans. Always excited to watch this every time when i got off work. Maggie is way overdue for the best actress award.
Roxanne was adorable in this her relationship with Ben was cute overrall though the drama was boring for me and I hate that actor that plays Moses lil brother what a stiff he cant act!!
1) Roxanne was adorable I agree. Her biggest role yet? I'm happy for her Hope to see her in more significant supporting roles! Her personality was cute in this one too 2) The lil brother (Fred) is so inconsistant. Wasn't he in K4 with Cilla in that Yes Sir Sorry Sir? He never took off still always plays KLF, this is also his biggest role? 3) I didn't watch Executioner but Maggie was good in this. I wonder why she's not in more dramas. 4) Drama didn't have many humor scene but the scene where Ben & Moses were talking at the same time was 5) Overall drama wasn't bad. It was kinda boring but I think in some aspect I liked it more then Presumed Accident Onto the House of Spirits, can't wait until I catch up to Fist Within 4 Walls
I'm streaming it online and the website has this series before House of Spirits.. maybe cause House of Spirits was longer (last updated) so the got pushed to the front. Is HoS good?
Kind of surprised you put BV as one of best series this year, it was ok to me, although I haven't watched Fist or HOS yet, will get them to soon hopefully before the year US fall season kicks off.
Speed of Life would be one of them just because of the humor in it, BV concept was good, but it lacked a solid plot, I actually enjoyed Presumed Accidents a bit more because the plot was more solid then BV. I haven't seen HOS or Fist yet though but from what I've been reading those should be better then all 3 haha.
I actually forget to mention Candy Chang. She had so much potential after On Call but she got into a drug scandal or something and she never took off. It was nice to see her again