English Title: Line Walker 2 Chinese Title: 使徒行者2 Genre: Modern/Action Producer: So Man Chung Episodes: 30 Cast: Michael Miu Jessica Hsuan Moses Chan Benz Hui Benjamin Yuen Priscilla Wong Pakho Chau Synopsis: In 2010, Cheuk Hoi secretly travels to Bangkok to conduct a drug operation with his undercover agents in Thailand. As they finish their mission and are about to leave Thailand, an explosion causes all of Michael's undercover agents to die in a sea of fire. At the same time, Michael's good friend, CIB Inspector Eddie Cheung, is killed for unknown reasons, leaving Michael in charge of a female cop who is not yet officially an undercover. Michael knows that Eddie still has undercover agents whose identities have been deleted. To learn the truth about Eddie's death, Michael must find all of the undercovers. He and Priscilla begin to search for the undercover agents. Airing September 18th replacing The Unholy Alliance 同盟
shit, i dont mind this fucking casts to be honest. But i'm sick and tired of watching benjamin and edwin's girlfriend. Cannot judge pakho because i've only seen him in 1 thing. Moses grew on me (no pun intended). Great to see jessica again
Benjamin isn't too bad IMO. Him and Vincent are two actors that should get "promoted" since TVB is weak on those male leads and they're the two I'm ok with getting the promotion. Priscilla I don't even remember what drama she was in this year. She was a bit of a surprise when I saw her on the poster tbh, was not expecting her to be in this. Maybe Mandy Wong or Nancy Wu would've been a more badass undercover if the role is indeed an undercover.
I guess because they are promoting it as a prequel to the 1st line walker, so we might see the original people at the very end lol
I guess a prequel is easier to make than a sequel I just think the cast choice are a bit interesting.
True that, I haven't seen Pakho in donkeys years lol~ he looks really 'chiselled' but in a bad way lol~ sunken cheeks and what not~ kinda reminds me of a tired Edison chan Or maybe he just looks tired, I know he's filming a new movie with shiga (them two should just get together!) with Joyce Cheng and Louis cheung too ~
so linewalker 2 is prequel? wait there is a movie? do u have a torrent ? edit: so how does this chronology of these drama or movies take place? linewalker 2 then movie? then line walker 1?
Trailer looks good. Is the first LW still downloadable. May watch it again. It can be confusing when they name the prequel's "2" instead of something else. Although that's the English title, then again technically isn't the movie considered "2".
movie is only in theaters right now http://www.dramasian.com/threads/line-walker-the-movie-2016.88296/
Haha I can see why they didn't like it, it was still entertaining but the ending was kind of lame...Why does every tragic accident happen with someone getting run over/killed by a car??