English Title: Two Steps From Heaven Chinese Title: 幕後玩家 Genre: Modern Producer: Joe Chan Episodes: 35 Cast: Bosco Wong Edwin Siu Louis Cheung Priscilla Wong Katy Kung Synopsis: Two Steps from Heaven tells the story of three best friends who face life-changing consequences as they climb up the corporate ladder. Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) stars as Sheldon, a young PR agent who has a 6-year-old daughter. He is close friends with Sean (Edwin Siu 蕭正楠) and Tim (Louis Cheung 張繼聰), both who also work as PR agents at the public relations agency, The Rainmakers. With the support of Max (Priscilla Wong 黃翠如), who acts as their go-between, the three friends rise quickly in the corporal hierarchy. With her backing, the three friends do everything in their power to solve PR crises. ________ Sheldon Chun (Bosco Wong), Sean Fung (Edwin Siu), and Tim Yau (Louis Cheung) are the “Iron Triangle” of The Rainmakers, a well-known and influential public relations company in Hong Kong. With their canny tongues and sharp wit, the three PR masters slide smoothly into the upper layers of society. Under fate’s calling, Sean re-encounters ex-girlfriend Max Ku (Priscilla Wong) and her younger brother Ted (FAMA’s 6-Wing), who turn out to be the children of a powerful real estate mogul Ku Fuk-sang (Pat Poon). Under the leadership of Max’s older half-sister Selina (Alice Chan), the business becomes one of the top players in Hong Kong’s real estate industry. With Max pulling the ropes behind the scenes, the PR trio enter a period of prosperity, and they do whatever they can to make their way to the top. But the higher they climb, the more they have to lose. They eventually forsake their families, loved ones, friends, and even their dignity—all because of one woman. Airing October 24th replacing Brothers Keeper 2 巨轮II
first Ep is good the 3 amigos have chemistry already I love Louis the guy cracks me up Prissy looks pretty much better than the last few series she was in edwin will watch his GF get it on with Bosco and Leo in this
watched the first 2 eps.. for me, its seems on the boring side... maybe its me but im not really into shows with bosco...
does this air on saturday and sunday? i like edwin and priscilla story so touching video at the end of episode 5
Hell yeah. I said it many times,and i'll say it again. The older ladies look hotter than the younger ones. I remember watching her in "split second." She shouldve been at least a supporting or even a lead.... what the hell.... I guess i'm probably one of the few that think Moon is overrated.
who is the one in red again? i remember she was in kate tsui and bosco drama the one that played the sister and died? shes cute....