English Title: My Unfair Lady Chinese Title: 懂撒嬌的女人 Genre: Modern Producer: Kwan Shu Ming Episodes: 28 Cast: Frankie Lam Jessica Hsuan Vincent Wong Natalie Tong Chris Lai Samantha Ko Airing May 1st replacing My Dearly Sinful Mind 心理追兇 Mind Hunter
Just saw a clip (not starting on drama yet) but damn the drama looks different quality wise. According to wiki it's the first TVB drama shot in 4K. I wonder if that's the norm for newer dramas now. Have to say it looks very nice.
i remember you hatin on this one in some other thread JOhn and Lovely reunited how you hate that (according to cover)
Hopefully 4K for the others too. But I think this is also shot outside of HK, so different background scenes now I guess.
Maybe I was, I don't remember I almost forgot John and Lovely was almost a thang Yea, it's a very nice chance if they start shooting in 4K for everything.
Yeah I'm only watching for Vincent So far I think it's trying to copy the Dayo and Dodo feel in that old sitcom. Vincent as Dayo and Jessica as DoDo.
Can tell off the bat that this has so much potential, but hate Frankie Lam. It would be good if they can just cut him out. Jessica looking same as ever. Enjoy her on screen as it's so reminiscent. Trying to blend in 'mainland big green' china has never worked well for TVB; and it is a bit corny at times when Cantonese peeps speak Mandarin. LOL
So far, so good and interesting. Unlike the Hidden where Jessica was a side, this is the 'real lead'.
I somehow can't get myself watching these series where canto people collab with mando people.... it just gives a very different vibe.
You are one of the last dying breeds and totally agree with you. It's not really a collabo w/ China actors/actresses, but there are glimpses of it. It's not as bad as the one w/ Harwick Lau and Eliza Wang in Master of Destiny. THOSE ARE THE WORST, especially w/ the voice over. Keep Tvb TVB. Only watching this is because Jessica and it's pretty good, although Frankie Lam is irking here and I can't stand him being a womanizer.
You are so right about the Master of Destiny, I thought that had a pretty interesting plot but the way they tried to do this hybrid thing with the mando actresses made it so weird... and uncomfortable to watch. Totally agree with keeping Tvb as TVB. All this filming overseas etc is fine but keep the Tvb touch like Triumph in the skies I and II. Oh well, enough complaining, at least we get Jessica I'll give the series another shot, since most people are saying its pretty decent
Natalie Tong‘s eyes remind me Tracey McGrady. I know she has gouging eyes and uneven alignment, but some scenes, she‘s like doing a major left to right cross over. Damnnnnn. LOL Also, can‘t stand surged out faces, especially the Taiwan female trying to act cute.. Disgusting and makes me wanna puke. No class, and skanked out. #Keep TVB TVB. Stop the collaborations with mainland C and Taiwan. It‘s not the same!!!!! "Hea" does not apply to Taiwan or China. I also noticed Richard, the Lawyer‘s hair thinning. Still can‘t stand Frankie Lam. Why the hell did they cast this fool.
They need Heart of Greed, "my eyes is the evidence" type of stories that teach people about lessons in life and ettiquette.
After watching more episodes, it doesnt seem as bad as I originally thought. I like the part where Natalie Tong was in Taiwan learning to be more girlie like.. haha.. BTW who was that girl that was Vincent Wongs cousin? shes pretty damn fine!
Glad Jon Ma is back, but Gordon is irking with his hostile bullying tactic. Hestia the puffy bread facre skank in her typical role is also irritating. What I hate is when the plot turns these actors and actresses into headless chickens whenever some adversity appears. It‘s so obvious. All the jokes, gimmicks, plot is so terse. You can pretty much guess everything. Vince running naked did more gossip for onlookers in real life and TVB magazine than the drama itself. No purposes. Getting to that saturated poibt where story starts to get cliche and irking. TVB filming bare back scenes is prematurely weak and tasteless too. Jessica speaking British accent English is also kinda funny cute odd lol....
Is this why there's Mando in it? If that's the case then it's understandable...It's like the Dead Wrong series where there's some viet in it....only makes sense due to the location their at. Haha tell me about it...ruins the canto flow!! I agree with you there!!! But at the same I can understand the mixing of dialogues but I don't have to like it, and hopefully they don't do that with all their TVB series... I haven't watched this series yet though I may watch it after Burning Hands which I'm slowly going through right now.
Kuai Diar, Hao Ba... 你看了嗎? Shut da hell up already Mando. Mando should be obsolete. Guandong shouldve been the national language, but NOT everyone has the ability. bo po mo fo all sound the same, 5 tones cant make that much. 7-9 cantonese much more harder. think about. hate the mando syntax and the northerns with the ER sound. ahhahahhahah