English Title: Legal Mavericks Chinese Title: 踩過界 Genre: Modern/Law/ Detective/Superhero Producer: Lam Chi Wah Episodes: 28 Cast: Vincent Wong Ali Lee Sisley Choi Tracy Chu (Guest Star) Owen Cheung Pal Sinn Synopsis: Since losing his eyesight in an accident, Man San-Hap (Vincent Wong) has been continually harassed and despised. But instead, his determination and perseverance are so reinforced that he has qualified as a barrister. He has also developed an acute sense beyond sight which helps him to gain the status of Blind Legal Knight in the legal profession. However, nobody really knows his true character. Fortunately, Kuk Yat-Ha (Owen Cheung), his flatmate and private detective, and Chiu Ching-Mui (Sisley Choi), female legal executive with mob connections, are two buddies he can always rely on. The trio are known as Three Sword Fighters who never submit to power and are always ready to seek justice for the underprivileged. San-Hap’s provocative style has aroused the fancy of female judge Wong Lai-Fan (Ali Lee), who cannot control her amorous feelings for him. Expanded to a quartet, their fate encounters turbulent changes while handling challenging legal cases. Reappearance of San-Hap’s father and Tai Tin-Yan (Tracy Chu), fellow sister from college, further complicates the situation, which San-Hap may not be able to unravel with his legal mastery. Airing Saturday June 24th (only weekends?)
Does anyone know the singer name and title who sing English song at episode 13 when Hope Man & Never Wong perform the Swing Dance (21:30 minutes onwards) ?
isn't this series supposed to be new? just caught a couple of episodes early on, the cases are quite interesting...the casts are doing pretty well so far, just except Sisley lol
This series is new, except that one of the TV provider (IQIYI; I think) already posted up to episode 14 I believe
they have contract with TVB? if not LOL they gon take action only suppose to be 2 EPS a week (Sat and Sun)
starting to really enjoy this series, the cases in this drama is very unique and daring I would say, some conversation that you rarely find in a general HK audience ie the disability cases and transgender cases. It resembles most of the real cases here in the US which is what I like about it a lot.
This is surprising a enjoyable series. I had my doubts when I saw the promos. Cases are good and enjoy the character developments between Hope and GoGo. Same question with Ice Cherry 18. Does anyone know the English song that was playing at episode 13 when Hope Man & Never Wong perform the Swing Dance (21:30 minutes onwards)? I tried googling the lyrics and had Shazam but but no results. :( Thanks!
I may be wrong but it's probably due to TVB airing it now that the new episodes stopped? But yea I really liked this drama, Vincent and Ali did an amazing job, and I am warming up to seeing more Owen in future dramas.
Enjoying this so far, especially w/ all the baloney TVB fake collabos out there. Sisley is goddeess level now and so is "bowie" and 'vince'. Everything else does not matter!
Not bad.. I love Ali Lee... so hot... like how she is always trying to hook up with Vincent Wong but gets shot down.. haha