English Title: A General, A Scholar and An Eunuch Chinese Title: 超時空男臣 Genre: Modern/Comedy/History/Sci-Fi Producer: Marco Law Episodes: 30 Cast: Kristal Tin Edwin Siu John Chiang Raymond Cho Grace Wong Rebecca Zhu Matthew Ho James Ng Synopsis: During the late reign of the Wanli Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the crown prince (Bob Cheung) had frequent conflicts with the eunuch faction, led by Timothy Cheng. Timothy secretly sends Eastern Depot officials after the crown princess (Grace Wong). Under the protection of Edwin Siu, Raymond Cho and eunuch Matthew Ho, the crown princess flees to an isolated, hazy forest. Amidst the chaos, the three of them and the crown princess get lost. When they emerge from the fog, they discover that they have traveled 400 years and arrived in the 21st century. Airing July 17th replacing The Legend Of Condor Heroes 射雕英雄传
when they first saw the phone and lighter show could be funny ancient chars in modern times not very interested in bet hur series so this one will get my attention more at least I will laugh!
Yeah, bet hur is average, but this one...I see Kristal Tin & 30 eps...could turn out to be just as average. =/ Legal mavericks on the other hand, not as bad as I thought it would be, tried that out yet? I just want Tracy to appear. Vinc & Tracy, that combo did okay before...
dont get me wrong LM is a good series actually the best one right now airing but only 2 eps a week and saw all 14 leak ones lol this time travel whacky show may be a nice time killer till we get the rest of Hope Man
series kind of reminds me of The_King_of_Yesterday_and_Tomorrow except the time travelers are from the Ming vs the Qing. Liking it so far, but the scene with Raymond Cho, one would think, if he's smart enough to learn how to use the laptop and internet so quickly, why didn't he search his own dynasty and emperor vs using it to catch up to modern times lol
ailyeric Same for me.....there is something that i dislike about her....her acting/ face expression are too much and always the same....
Vicky Chan https://www.instagram.com/vthechan/ I'm also loving this drama so far, loving the cooking aspect to the series
the last few episodes turn into shit. everyone became stupid all of a sudden. this drama should only be 20 episodes. edwin and kristal are so annoying..