English Title: The Tofu War Chinese Title: 燦爛的外母 Genre: Modern/Family/Comedy Producer: Au Yiu Hing Episodes: 20 Cast: Nancy Sit Chris Lai Dominic Lam Roxanne Tong Elaine Yiu Jonathan Cheung Synopsis: SIU SAU-KING (Nancy Sit) is the third-generation matriarch of a century-old tofu business. She uses her powerful status to protect a distant relative TO WAI-LUNG (Dominic Lam), causing the son DOU CHEUNG (Jonathan Cheung) to feel unhappy. Meanwhile, CHEUNG’s buddy WONG SIU-MING (Lai Lok Yi) loses both his job and his girlfriend KEI HIU-YING (Elaine Yiu) and is looking for a change. The two mates instantly agree to initiate major business reforms, and the old and new camps engage each other in confrontational mode day and night. SIU-MING runs into childhood buddy SZETO NAM (Roxanne Tong) and tells her his sorrows. They then become romantically involved and the idea of marriage starts to grow. But SAU-KING turns out to be NAM’s mum. NAM pretends to be depressed to force her mum to quickly agree to SIU-MING marrying her. Seeing each other is bad enough, but living together turns the situation into disaster. As a husband, SIU-MING’s life, whether private or otherwise, is constantly made very difficult. To divert the hostile attacks away from him, SIU-MING comes up with a fantastic idea of playing matchmaker for his mother-in-law and owner of the tofu business FU TAK-CHING (Willie Fung). However, good intentions turn sour and the matchmaking game looks likely to turn into a farce. Airing August 28th replacing A General, A Scholar And An Eunuch 超時空男臣
NOPE. J. ma perming this hair is a sign of things. think about it. he has kids, he has expenses. he is not the same J.Ma as some of us know him to be.
Havent seen any of them yet but make sense if Bet Hur goes over 20 due to casting and Unholy due to 4 Walls success. Not sure why General went over 20
Oh, Yeah...I can't be bothered cutting each song. Dumping the entire disc was easier. At the moment, I'm doing Sammi Cheung's concert from last year, I think there's also George Lam, Faye Wong, a collab one and I think Kwan Gor as well...but I think I will skip Kwan Gor, I'm not into his music =/