English Title: Oh My Grad Chinese Title: 老表,畢業喇! Genre: Modern/Comedy Producer: Wong Wai Sing Episodes: 30 Cast: Ada Choi Roger Kwok Wong Cho Lam Eliza Sam Louis Cheung Joyce Cheng Babyjohn Choi Mag Lam Bob Lam Synopsis: Education is not about grades, teaching is not just taking attendance and grading papers. Born to a family of educators, school principal Roger Kwok is full of passion for education, but loses his job when the school is closed down. He winds up returning to the rundown college that his parents had established, beginning a new chapter of his educational career. He encounters all types of students, along with a difficult-to-handle tiger mom Ada Choi, making the college's final year both splendid and plagued with misfortunes. Airing September 25th replacing The Tofu War 燦爛的外母
I honestly love Bob but seems like he only films Lo Biu for drama (and probably movies). Didn't know Eliza was in this but why she at the back of poster
Eliza's going to be the School Flower ~ She's only in about 10 episodes because she was getting married at that time when she was filming for this.
Cast is good, storyline is quite good but the curry fishball song is killing me......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I thought that the concept was good, but whenever Cho Lam comes out I get turned off. For me he definitely is ruining the experience for me