English Title: Nothing Special Force Chinese Title: 雜警奇兵 Genre: Modern/Police/Comedy Producer: Ng Kwwon Yu Episodes: 20 Cast: Ben Wong Mandy Wong Jacqueline Wong C Kwan Arnold Kwok Synopsis: The characteristic of the Miscellaneous Enquiries (ME) unit is "miscellaneous"! Their investigations include nuisance, liquor licenses, non-criminal deaths and other uncategorized cases. ME Inspector Ben Wong enjoys the slow-paced life. When he meets the impatient and pregnant Mandy Wong, they naturally clash. Former undercover C Kwan has been lazy on the ME unit for many years. When he re-encounters his first love Jacqueline Wong, will it reignite his spirit? As the ME unit handles bizarre cases, there is tears among laughter. Airing September 24th replacing Legal Mavericks 踩過界 (Sundays only)
shinobi She only look like that for few episodes I bet Why does it feel like it's my first time watching Jaq Wong though. I skipped like all the dramas she had a major role in like Provocateur, Inspector Gourmet, With or Without You lol
am i the only one who started this? lol Mandy is really pretty in this but got her playing preggo cop? the show is mediocre this cast and poster one of the worst this year i bet lol
I started this, 2 eps in 1 night and it's all about a pregnant cop, so I just skipped through each episode. Finished each one in 10 seconds. CKwan and Jacqueline looks to be doing a silly couple thing, where they screw around with everything, but most the air time seems to have gone to red carded pregnant cop and her boss, Gordon Ramsay.
This is some times the beauty of lower budgeted dramas. The strength is in the dialogue and plot. In fact, the quirky aspect of it matches TVB‘s terse like production. Not saying the production is any thing special but Ben, C Kwan, and Mandy are great!! Mandy is way better than Nancy in my books. C Kwans line are so improvised and funny. Can‘t stand Jacqueline Wong though. In such a complicated world, some times watching this type of comedy is great for the laughs.
lol, it's like holding down the fast forward button...watch at x20 speed. Can pretty much guess the story line...
You and some other member does this as well. haha. I usually leave it on while doing paper work, or ironing clothes. The good thing is that you can guess the story line.
I agree, you generally stated what I felt about this drama. Some cases are quite interesting. And Ben, Mandy, C Kwan and the team are great and funny to watch.
I've just started this and I quite like it. I like the team so far ~ Although c-Kwan is so thirsty it's unreal lol Hmm..Mandy's personality is very Chong dong. I like her in general but it's another 'strong' character role.......can't they just be normal? I feel like all the dramas I've seen so far, the main character has daddy/mother issues lol
"Someone" is now gonna change their tone about this. hahaha. You and I both have an eye for good shows! Certain individuals were clowning me about this. haha. As I‘ve said all along, I like the obvious quirkiness of this drama. CKwans‘ dialogue keeps it fresh. It ain‘t banal like typical TVB script writing. Mandy‘s acting and personality is very very under rated. I am glad you appreciate her. She may not have the face for most male audiences, but she is charming and attractive for those that appreciate drama, and performing arts. (such as yourself)
C-Kwan is a clown for sure but a 'lovable/tolerable' clown I guess compared to bob in OMG ~ although they both have a quiff thing going on ~ Who watches the sex tape of a crime just for fun? He does ~ And he's a 'UC' so he can legit look at boobs? Thirsty guy~ Enlighten me who's 'popcorn'? She's very gung ho in the last two eps I saw lol I keep seeing Eddie? From eo2 nowadays and his always a triad boss I like him too