English Title: The Exorcist's Meter Chinese Title: 降魔的 Genre: Modern/Comedy/Fantasy Producer: Dave Fong Episodes: 21 Cast: Kenneth Ma Mandy Wong Hugo Wong Hubert Wu Moon Lau Synopsis: Night-shift taxi driver Ma Gwai lost his parents at a young age. After narrowly escaping death multiple times, he has seen through the vanity of the world and has adopted a "need no achievements, make no mistakes" attitude towards life. But inside his heart, there is one name - Chong Chi Yeuk. Every day, he drives this doctor to and from work, cherishing the time that belongs to only the two ofthem. Little does he know that he will become her guardian in the future. One night, he urinates on a public highway and releases the curse of the hundred-year old spirit Shek Gam Dong. He experiences a series of inconceivable events and sees things that other people cannot see. When Booi Booi Na, the online radio host of a supernatural show, learns of this, she continuously pesters him. He is initially annoyed by this, but eventually starts to conquer demons alongside Shek Gam Dong to make money. Unfortunately, his supernatural powers brings bad luck to the people around him. A horrifying car accident causes Chong Chi Yeuk's soul to leave her body. Ma Gwai, Shek Gam Dong and Booi Booi Dong work together to investigate and discover that the accident was actually a careful set-up by police officer Kwok Jin Ming... Airing October 30th replacing Line Walker: The Prelude 使徒行者2
Episode 1 was lethargic to me. I will wait till more episodes accumilate before continuing. As much as I dislike Kenneth Ma, I like horror themed dramas. I also enjoy Mandy. Some scenes were legit movie type filmography. Oh well.
This is one of those Horror / Comedy movies. Some scenes are scary like the doll, and ghost kids. But it is suddenly countered with some quirky scenes. lol Oh well.
What history? I just said I am watching it because of Mandy. At least, I didn‘t fake pump this drama and call it boring, or fast forward. lol Mandy looks like my friend. hahaha I don‘t like that Hins Cheurng dude. Besides, the supporting cast of taxi drivers are worth watching. That‘s where its at.
not sure what im watching here lol guesing they team upp and face the demon 'mor gwai' (hugo) tvb need to stay away from this sci-fi crap
So what is 降魔的番外篇, a sequel or spinoff? English title says it's a sidequel, wtf does that mean lol Watching preview looks like TVB CGI improved, but that's probably where 95% of the budget went if you look at the casting
Mhmm, was out 3 days ago. Can rip it off the Big Big Channel app if you have it. I dumped some download links for it on the original taxi thread just now for anyone interested. Wasn't sure if we should start a new thread for it or use the existing one, since it's kind of the same series, just with a spin. Will let the boys in red figure it out