English Title: Heart and Greed Chinese Title: 溏心風暴3 Genre: Modern/Drama/Family Producer: Tsui Yue On Episodes: 40 Cast: Ha Yu Louise Lee Susanna Kwan Michelle Yim Bosco Wong Eliza Sam Vincent Wong Priscilla Wong Sharon Chan Michael Tong Synopsis: LING LAI-YING (Louise Lee) and her husband WONG WING-CHING (Ha Yu) work hard to run their restaurant, eventually turning it into an entrepreneurial success involving real estate investing and business. LAI-YING’s younger brother LING SHING-FUNG (Bosco Wong) even tries to help them get the company listed on the stock market. Initially, WING-CHING does not agree with this. After seeing the century old family print business run by his benefactor HUI NGA-LUN (Joseph Lee), who helped him get acquitted of a charge years ago, on the verge of bankruptcy, WING-CHING agrees to SHING-FUNG’s proposal by merging the two families’ businesses for mutual benefit. However, WING-CHING’s sister-in-law LEUNG SHUN-WAH (Susanna Kwan) and her younger brother LEUNG CHAN (Louis Yuen) are strongly opposed to the idea. Moreover, the long-standing feud between them and NGA-LUN’s wife YU SAU-WAI, AMELIA (Michelle Yim) and the Hui family’s self-proclaimed upper-class social status leave a very bad impression on them. Nevertheless, with LAI-YING’s support, WING-CHING reaches an agreement with the Huis. Unfortunately, the social inequality between the upper and lower classes gives rise to more conflicts. On top of that, the love between the second son of the Wong family, WONG WAI-KA (Vincent Wong), and the only daughter of the Hui family, HUI BUI-YI, BELLE (Eliza Sam), has transcended obstacles, which eventually forces WAI-KA to leave. Devastated, LAI-YING is also torn by the infidelity between her eldest daughter WONG YI-OI (Sharon Chan) and a married man named CHENG LAP-ON (Michael Tong). To make things worse, LAI-YING’s favorite younger brother SHING-FUNG is not himself anymore after he gets involved in an on-again, off-again relationship with his friend FONG HEI-MAN (Priscilla Wong). Soon, the two families find themselves on the brink of open hostility and a massive war for revenge is brewing…… Airing November 27th replacing The Exorcist's Meter 降魔的
Get ready for some family fights Hard to believe, seemed like only yesterday I was face-palming myself at taxi ghost busters when it started...how time flies...
Was wondering why Steven Ma was not in the poster but he was shown in the trailer.. guess he's just a cameo
oh wow...michael tong, sharon chan and bosco ~ i havent seen them in ages this is defo on my to-watch list...