Most of the channels is not working anymore, really appreciate if you willing to share us new link. Thanks
i don't have time to check right now. download 小哈市場 app market on the first page. there are a few working live tv apps inside. tested few days ago.
I am having issues, my parents and grandparents are complaining about the apps that's previously installed and that's not working. I am not sure how to read, or what they are saying. To make it easy, I just want to uninstall everything and install 1 app or 2, so that it's easier. i didn't see them in months. Should I use the app that you provided? Do they have live and VOD? Sorry about the repeat question, but I don't really use it anymore, just my older folks. And I have no idea how to get it working for them. Thanks ailyeric.
if u don't have time to help them update, it's better to buy a box that has everything inside and don't have to worry for a few years. buy the unblock tech "upro" 5th generation tv box for them. ( $135 - $168 usd ) similar to tvpad4..but they don't grab and run. at least not yet lol use this one to keep them busy for the time being... 今日影视 - TVB, China, English Dramas & Movies VOD. Also has world cup VOD matches.!YfhlkQIT!9aacdEgHq1hWJyq5P0eyS87CFsGVtp2XlQIiblD_AT0
delete the old one and try this new list. tested hk section and espn working.!lShxHbgQ!NueEAtXyrGx7BUi4SO4kRZwqTTiEoxWjmczGhss1AJU
actually that is partially working but an older one. this is the updated new links. delete that one and use this one.!8TglhZCL!nEpnJ4hx9kJFpsvuX_5vmYDQ7uxpicFwZ_PdqhZMUfw
Hi Ailyeric, Thanks for the effort for posting all the great apps! Lately, I find the look tv patch isn't working. Does not seems it is connecting to the related server at all. Is there another patch available?
i just tested and it's still working on my box. it took many tries to get it to work now. if u can't get it to work, use other working apps. it has almost the same channels. i actually don't use these apps. i only test it for friends/family and share it with u guys. i have ubox3, 4 and pro.
Got this off from a Singapore group. They have a community playlist done up for miTV. The sources are quite stable and works very well with mobile network. Give this a try.
Do you have a updated version mitv? Installed it on Oreo & it constantly crashed once a channel is selected
Most of the free live app are not supported on Oreo yet. 华文电视 should work but no cantonese channels. Most of the VOD apps should work fine.
I have a similar problem as Amanosg even after the replacing the txt file with Ben's. Basically, once I select a channel, it would play for a good few mins at most then the steaming stops. If I switch the channel it will do the same and play for a minutes and stops again. Then if I switch back to the original channel it will likely still be dead and I ran out of options to switch. I have tried to close the app, clear the cache and trying again but usually those previously watched channels would be dead to me unless I reboot. Sometimes I may be able to get them to work again after the reboot but only for a few minutes... Are others experiencing the same thing ??
try using the new text link from benbenebenbenben on post #172. if it doesn't work, don't use it. these free links don't last very long anyway. use other working apps.
anybody able to see these links? since i cant read chinese, i used a translator and it looks promising from what people are saying. really would like a working TVB live stream